血肉果汁機 - 清光計畫 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 血肉果汁機 - 清光計畫

Purge Project
吾有聽人在說 五位超脫的孩子正在掀你爸的場
I've heard people say five transcendent kids are ruining your dad's stage
吾更聽說 其中一位的魂 正在被我小弟虐待
I've heard another say one of their souls is being abused by my小弟
光明仔會 這名字乃因無操控各界的日頭
Bright Boy is because he doesn't control the sun in all realms
Including Z13, 14, 15, 16, the Weaver Girl, the Cowherd and your hometown
宇宙黑暗的交易 就是吾的力量
The dark trades of the universe are my power
吾乃世界的天 吾是你們的地獄
I am the heaven of the world; I am your hell
In the next life, I will make you a pig
Control reincarnation, souls, thoughts, and the mentality of slaves
覺醒 你有想過嗎 善良去被欺負假的
Enlightenment: Have you ever thought that kindness is false to the bullied?
真的真的真的苦勸 卻被人家當作瘋子
Really, truly, truly persuaded, but treated as a madman by others
記著 社會眼睜錢做人 你心愈黑就愈有出息
Remember: Keep your eyes on society to survive; the blacker your heart, the more successful you will be
清洗思想 教導你什麼叫做正常
Scrubbing thoughts, teaching you what's normal
理解的智慧 永遠只有正常運算
The wisdom of understanding always only functions normally
Brain usage is controlled and maintained at 5%
口說無憑 你們只相信眼見為憑
Words are unreliable; you only believe what you see
重新再來 吾用山崩地裂
Start over. I'll use landslides and earthquakes
整理地球 這驚嚇有打的大力
To fix Earth. This fear was a great force
天災 讓狡猾的人發大財
Natural disasters make cunning people rich
地上的人們來來來 上面有位置只要先給錢
People on Earth, come, come. There are places above, but only if you pay first
搶阿 擠阿 騙阿 拐阿 發現到人類怎麼這麼差勁
Rob, squeeze, cheat, abduct. I've discovered humanity is so awful
吾是希望 順吾的人生 逆吾的人都要死
I am hope. Follow my life. Those who defy me must die
Giant fires, giant ice, giant floods
Both great good and great evil become ghosts
When the days of great darkness come
You can't escape, even at the ends of the earth
天顛倒邊 世界被妖管規矩被鬼幹
Heaven and earth are upside down. The world is ruled by monsters, and rules are enforced by ghosts
你要大聲宣示忠誠 額頭上烙上記號 拜魔神
You need to loudly proclaim your loyalty, brand the mark on your forehead, and worship the devil
要光有光 要水有水 你要正義 眾子民阿
If you want light, there will be light; if you want water, there will be water. If you want justice, people of the world,
吾來降生 飛龍在天 萬尺長 發青光
I will come to be reborn, a flying dragon in the sky, ten thousand feet long, glowing blue
He is willing to sacrifice himself for you
Heroes emerge from suffering
Eternity in the new world

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