裘德 - 濃縮藍鯨 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 裘德 - 濃縮藍鯨

Condensed Blue Whale
只要你說 我就可以
As long as you speak, I'll be ready
To take you to another territory
再大的浪都會像 一個噴嚏
Even the biggest waves will just be like a sneeze
不淹沒誰只是 惹笑了你
Won't drown anyone, only makes you laugh
如果聲音 藏著秘密
If secrets are hidden within the sound
I'll write you a letter from the depths
讓語言接近沈默 讓我接近
Let the language approach silence, let me approach
最幽微的隱喻 散落一地
The subtlest metaphors, scattered all around
如此 沈迷
So devoted
劃過暗潮看身後的風 被卷起
Carving through the dark tide, the wind behind me gets caught
何必 懷疑
Why doubt?
一呼一吸都能吵醒 水中的上帝
Every breath can awaken the God in the water
請用 你的眼神 給我回應
Please, with your gaze, give me an answer
說你也信 在我懷中
Say you believe me, within my embrace
Curling up my whale body
成爲 它的遼闊 它的孤寂
To become its vastness, its solitude
放任我靈魂 睡在 何地
Let my soul sleep where
都能 借你棲息
I can have you to rest
就此 沈迷
So devoted
蛻掉軀殼扇動著性命 跟上去
Shedding the body, fanning my life, following
不曾 懷疑
Never doubted
每陣漣漪都縮印著 波濤的紋理
Each ripple contains the texture of the waves
請用 你的眼神 將我倒映
Please, with your gaze, let me be reflected
帶我穿過 漫天魚群
Lead me through the teeming fish
Towards the blue whale's destiny
別怕 就算隕落 驚動天地
Don't be afraid, even if we fall, startling the heavens and earth
還能夠爲你 留下一座島嶼
I can still leave an island for you
It's just a pity...
一只磷蝦 被誰叼去
A krill, taken by a bite
遺言消散 在風裏
Its last words dissolve in the wind

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