裘德 - 老古董 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 裘德 - 老古董

穿舊的 牛皮鞋 讓人懊惱的節約
Worn-out leather shoes, a frustrating frugality
嚴肅的 舊觀念 壹塵不染的哲學
Serious old notions, a spotless philosophy
家裡相片的樣子 二十多年前
The way the family photos look, more than twenty years ago
A still handsome profile
恍惚之間 他好像真的老了些
In a daze, he seems to have really aged
剛坐下 飯桌前 就開始指指點點
Just sat down at the dinner table and started pointing fingers
說言行 談舉止 手機先拿開三尺
Talking about behavior and manners, "Put your phone away, three feet!" he demands
筷子擺什麽位置 都很堅持
So insistent about where the chopsticks are placed
好歹今天是周日 開口又是:'妳有沒有背好單詞?'
It's Sunday for goodness sake, and he starts with: "Have you memorized your vocabulary?"
四下無人的夜 翻來覆去難眠
Restless nights, tossing and turning
Who stole time from him?
壹支燃盡的煙 壹道佝僂的線
A burnt-out cigarette, a stooped line
他會不會 甘於接受 這個平凡世界
Will he be content to accept this ordinary world?
活成壹個謎 不說的真心 深刻又含蓄
Living as a mystery, an unspoken sincerity, deep and subtle
表達愛 的方式 有自己擅長壹套
He has his own way of expressing love
小時候 他生氣 昆汀電影就上演
When I was little, when he got angry, it was a Quentin Tarantino movie
二八錳鋼的車子 飈到飛馳
That 28 manganese steel car, speeding like a bullet
殺到家關上電視:'妳這臭小子! 要努力做比爾蓋茨!'
He'd come home, slam the TV off: "You little rascal! You need to strive to be Bill Gates!"
四下無人的夜 翻來覆去難眠
Restless nights, tossing and turning
Who stole time from him?
一支燃盡的煙 壹道佝僂的線
A burnt-out cigarette, a stooped line
他會不會 甘於接受 這個平凡世界
Will he be content to accept this ordinary world?
面對這問題 想到底
Facing this question, thinking it through
The hard-to-accept, the abandoned, the accused, the possessed, the lost, it all has to continue
四下無人的夜 翻來覆去難眠
Restless nights, tossing and turning
Who stole time from him?
壹支燃盡的煙 壹道佝僂的線
A burnt-out cigarette, a stooped line
他最後說 甘於接受 這個平凡世界
He finally said, content to accept this ordinary world
活成壹個謎 付出的真心 深刻又含蓄
Living as a mystery, a devoted sincerity, deep and subtle

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