許茹芸 - 不一樣了 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 許茹芸 - 不一樣了

It's Different Now
這首歌很可愛唷 打開窗簾的一剎那 看窗戶灑進來的陽光
This song is so cute. The moment I opened the curtains, I saw the sunlight streaming through the window,
那天早晨的心情 也完全不一樣
That morning was different,
光線像雙眼般透亮 臉上也悄悄泛起紅光
The light was so bright, like two pairs of eyes, and my face flushed slightly.
莫名心動 因為你 一一湧上
Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat because of you, it all came flooding back to me.
在心的深處 有一雙翅膀 遇見你前不曾飛翔
Deep inside my heart, there was a pair of wings, but I never knew how to fly before I met you.
任性地躲藏 不懂得退讓 不曾被欣賞
I hid away stubbornly, didn't know how to compromise, and was never appreciated.
當你的右手 繞著我肩膀 我會想起 早晨那一窗的陽光
When your right hand is around my shoulder, I think of that morning sunlight,
有種感動 它讓我 覺得不一樣
It's a feeling of warmth that makes me feel different.
沙發間的愉快氣氛 看著我最愛的男生
A happy atmosphere fills the sofa, and I'm looking at my favorite boy.
有種溫暖的笑容 和堅定的眼神
With a kind smile and determined eyes,
你是我生命的精靈 不用交談我就能感應
You are the spirit of my life. I can feel you without talking.
在我心裡一切 早已確定
In my heart, everything has already been decided.
在心的深處 有一雙翅膀 遇見你後自由翱翔
Deep inside my heart, there was a pair of wings, and after I met you, they flew freely.
你伸出雙手 溫柔的觸碰 最讓我心動
You reached out your hands, and your gentle touch made my heart beat faster.
而我的生命 還在等什麼 告訴你沒錯 是那個男生
And my life is waiting for what? Yes, I'm telling you, it's that boy.
託付的每一秒鐘 都不一樣了
Every second I entrust to you is different now.
在心的深處 有一雙翅膀 遇見你後自由翱翔
Deep inside my heart, there was a pair of wings, and after I met you, they flew freely.
你伸出雙手 溫柔的觸碰 最讓我心動
You reached out your hands, and your gentle touch made my heart beat faster.
而我的生命 還在等什麼 告訴你沒錯 是那個男生
And my life is waiting for what? Yes, I'm telling you, it's that boy.
託付的每一秒鐘 都不一樣了
Every second I entrust to you is different now.
很可愛的歌吧 ^^ 希望大家喜歡喔!!
It's a very cute song, right? I hope you like it, babe!
*The End*
*The End*

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