許茹芸 - 你討厭 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 許茹芸 - 你討厭

You Irritate
迷迷糊糊跟蹤了幾條街 那個背影不是你
Drowsily I followed you for several blocks That figure was not you
反反覆覆調整鬧鐘一夜 我還是哭哭啼啼了好幾遍
Repeatedly I reset my alarm clock throughout the night; I still cried and cried many times
Blaming myself for liking the rain that would be on and off
我的心變得坑坑洞洞 只因為摔不碎想念
My heart was full of holes It’s only because I can’t break my thoughts of you
起起落落的情緒好折磨 盯著電話在等候
My emotions keep going up and down; it's torturous Staring at the phone, waiting
上上下下樓梯消耗寂寞 幻想我傷心以後你就變瘦
Walking up and down the stairs to use up my loneliness Imagining that once I become thin, you will hold me
If you were not in the world, I don’t know what I would do
我聽見自己問著自己 卻不敢要你的承諾
I hear myself asking myself, but I do not dare to ask you to commit
你討厭 害我神經兮兮
You irritate me, making me neurotic
行為不合邏輯 變得沒出息
My behavior is illogical; I’m becoming worthless
你討厭 每次胡言亂語
You irritate me, with your irrational talk
擾亂我的情緒 越來越自閉
Disturbing my emotions, making me more and more withdrawn
每次當你轉身離去 我就開始感到不安全
Whenever you turn and leave, I begin to feel insecure
愛情讓人變 討厭
Love makes a person; irritating
你討厭 扮著可惡笑臉
You irritate me, wearing that mischievous smile
孩子氣的道歉 任性的搭配
With your childish apologies and arbitrary behavior
我討厭 自己懂事的臉
I am irritated by my own sensible face
一再容忍失約 不平等的淚
Over and over again, tolerating your broken promises, my unequal tears
在我心中你太完美 割捨不斷只好被虧欠
In my heart, you are too perfect; unable to bear to leave you, I can only be wronged
愛情要如何規勸 愛情讓人變 討厭
How to persuade love Love makes a person; irritating
起起落落的情緒好折磨 盯著電話再等候
My emotions keep going up and down; it's torturous Staring at the phone, waiting again
上上下下樓梯消耗寂寞 幻想我變瘦以後你就寵我
Walking up and down the stairs to use up my loneliness Imagining that once I become thin, you will spoil me
If you were not in the world, I don’t know what I would do
我聽見自己問著自己 卻不敢要你的承諾
I hear myself asking myself, but I do not dare to ask you to commit
你討厭 害我神經兮兮
You irritate me, making me neurotic
行為不合邏輯 變得沒出息
My behavior is illogical; I’m becoming worthless
你討厭 每次胡言亂語
You irritate me, with your irrational talk
擾亂我的情緒 越來越自閉
Disturbing my emotions, making me more and more withdrawn
每次當你轉身離去 我就開始感到不安全
Whenever you turn and leave, I begin to feel insecure
愛情讓人變 討厭
Love makes a person; irritating
你討厭 扮著可惡笑臉
You irritate me, wearing that mischievous smile
孩子氣的道歉 任性的搭配
With your childish apologies and arbitrary behavior
我討厭 自己懂事的臉
I am irritated by my own sensible face
一再容忍失約 不平等的淚
Over and over again, tolerating your broken promises, my unequal tears
在我心中你太完美 割捨不斷只好被虧欠
In my heart, you are too perfect; unable to bear to leave you, I can only be wronged
愛情要如何規勸 愛情讓人變 討厭
How to persuade love Love makes a person; irritating

Writer(s): Chung Yen Wang, Zong Ci Tao

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