許冠傑 - 我是太空人 - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 許冠傑 - 我是太空人 - Live

我是太空人 - Live
I Am a Spaceman - Live
重重浮雲 蒙蒙迎著我飄近
Heavy clouds, hazy, drifting toward me
機艙裏望向窗外我心內 既失落也興奮
Gazing out the window of the cabin, my heart is feeling both lost and excited
同僚良朋常搖頭 明白我不幸
Colleagues and friends often shake their heads, knowing my misfortune
奔波千裏為了今夜再親近 再可獲你的吻
Traveling thousands of miles, just to draw closer to you tonight, to receive your kiss once more
無法知在遠方心中境況 祈望你不需隱藏
Unable to know the state of your heart from afar, I pray that you do not have to hide it
疲和倦眼光每夜未忘 甜夢裏重遇你歡笑開朗
My weary and tired eyes never forget you each night; in sweet dreams, I reunite with your joyful laughter
(流浪無家漢 時常雲霧裏闖蕩)
(A vagrant with no home, often wandering in the mist)
For a glimmer of hope
迷糊仿徨 如逃亡離別這海岸
Confused and lost, like an逃亡离别 this coast
匆匆趕往越過風浪 再希望我 早日會釋放
Hurriedly rushing to cross the storm, hoping that I will soon be released
無法知在遠方心中境況 祈望你不需隱藏
Unable to know the state of your heart from afar, I pray that you do not have to hide it
疲和倦眼光每夜未忘 甜夢裏重遇你歡笑開朗
My weary and tired eyes never forget you each night; in sweet dreams, I reunite with your joyful laughter
(流浪無家漢 時常雲霧裏闖蕩)
(A vagrant with no home, often wandering in the mist)
For a glimmer of hope
(流浪無家漢 時常雲霧裏闖蕩)
(A vagrant with no home, often wandering in the mist)
For a glimmer of hope
(我成日有個心願呢 就係希望世界上每一個國家嘅人呢)
(I have a wish. It is that people from every country in the world)
(都好似我哋今晚咁 成日都咁好玩 開開心心咁幾好呢)
(would be like us tonight, always having so much fun and joy. How nice that would be!)
(啫 又無戰爭呀 飢荒呀 冇痛苦呀)
(Without war, famine, or suffering)
(不過就咁講起上黎呢個夢想 就好似冇乜可能實現)
(But, to be honest, this dream seems almost impossible to achieve)
(但係如果我哋試下將我哋嘅愛心 俾付出多啲愛心)
(But if we try to give more love, to give more of our hearts)
(將啲愛心交織埋一齊之後呢 可能我哋會創造到奇跡架)
(If we can weave our love together, perhaps we can create a miracle)

Writer(s): Yi Tat Lau

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