許冠傑 - 財神到 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 許冠傑 - 財神到

God of Fortune
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
God of fortune, God of fortune, good heart will be rewarded
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
God of fortune, God of fortune, earn money with integrity
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
God of fortune, God of fortune, take a few quick steps
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he sees you, you have a future
闔府慶新歲 喜氣盈盈
The whole family celebrates the New Year, joy is full of joy
齊賀你多福蔭 壯健強勁
Congratulations on your good fortune and good health
又祝你今年 慶獲榮昇
I also wish you to be promoted this year
朝晚多多歡笑 錦繡前程
Laughter and a bright future every morning and every night
願夫婦恩愛 體貼入微
May husband and wife love each other and be considerate
成日有吉星照 百事無忌
There are always lucky stars shining, and nothing is taboo
共親友相見 說話投機
Meeting with relatives and friends, talking in a friendly way
充滿新春喜氣 歡暢揚眉
Full of new year joy, happy and proud
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
God of fortune, God of fortune, good heart will be rewarded
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
God of fortune, God of fortune, earn money with integrity
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
God of fortune, God of fortune, take a few quick steps
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he sees you, you have a future
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
God of fortune, God of fortune, take a few quick steps
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he sees you, you have a future
賀所有鴛侶 花結並頭 (結並頭)
Congratulations to all lovers, flowers blooming in pairs
還望各位工友 百業成就 (有成就)
I also hope that all workers will have success in all their endeavors
大家冇爭鬥 快樂無憂 (樂無憂)
There is no fighting, happiness and no worries
聽只歌輕鬆嚇 拋卻恨愁
Listen to this song, don't worry
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
God of fortune, God of fortune, good heart will be rewarded
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
God of fortune, God of fortune, earn money with integrity
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
God of fortune, God of fortune, take a few quick steps
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he sees you, you have a future
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
God of fortune, God of fortune, take a few quick steps
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he sees you, you have a future
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
God of fortune, God of fortune, good heart will be rewarded
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
God of fortune, God of fortune, earn money with integrity
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
God of fortune, God of fortune, take a few quick steps
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he sees you, you have a future
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
God of fortune, God of fortune, good heart will be rewarded
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
God of fortune, God of fortune, earn money with integrity
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
God of fortune, God of fortune, take a few quick steps
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he sees you, you have a future
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
God of fortune, God of fortune, take a few quick steps
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he sees you, you have a future
大眾慶新春 望財神到
May everyone celebrate the New Year with the God of Fortune

Writer(s): Hui Koon Kit, Hui Samuel

許冠傑 - 許冠傑 音樂大全101
許冠傑 音樂大全101
date de sortie

1 Interlude
2 交織千個心
3 打雀英雄傳
4 天才與白痴
5 天才白痴夢
6 大家跟住唱
7 鐵塔凌雲
8 雙星情歌
9 摩登保鑣
10 愛情保險
11 最佳拍檔(電影"最佳拍檔"歌曲)
12 麻雀耍樂
13 梨渦淺笑
14 寂寞聖誕
15 鬼馬雙星
16 浪子心聲-電影「半斤八兩」歌曲
17 恭喜, 恭喜
18 是雨?是淚?
19 急流勇退
20 阿郎戀曲
21 杯酒當歌
22 沉默是金
23 共妳常為伴
24 有酒今朝醉
25 何處覓蓬萊
26 那裡是吾家
27 做人要識Do
28 先敬羅衣後敬人
29 天才白痴錢錢錢
30 天才白痴往日情
31 這一曲送給您
32 我信韻律全能
33 應該要自愛
34 潮流興夾BAND
35 腐朽化神奇
36 跟佢做個Friend
37 話你知'97
38 你有你講(佢有佢講)
39 滄海一聲笑 (電影《笑傲江湖》主題曲)
40 最緊要好玩
41 這一個日子
42 鬼馬大家樂 (Medley)
43 追求三部曲
44 快樂
45 相思萬千重
46 咪當我老襯
47 知音夢裡尋
48 夜夜念奴嬌
49 夜半輕私語
50 無情夜冷風
51 我的心仍屬於您
52 尖沙咀SUSIE
53 在回憶中
54 佛跳牆
55 父母恩
56 心思思
58 Streets Of London
59 Just A Little
60 飲勝
61 傀儡
62 紙船
63 珍惜
64 為你
65 春夢
66 拜拜
67 往事
68 扮嘢
69 印象
70 夕陽
71 人辦
73 Theme From Jeremy
74 我愛你
75 每事問
76 制水歌
77 柔情淚
78 同舟共濟
79 半斤八兩
80 加價熱潮
81 世事如棋
82 日本娃娃
83 心裡日記
84 十個女仔
87 Radio好知己
88 宇宙無限
90 A Spaceman Came Travelling
91 A Carnation for Rebu
92 難忘您
93 錫晒你
94 學生哥
95 賣身契
96 搵嘢做
97 等玉人
98 莫等待
99 財神到
100 I'll Be Waiting
101 瑪莉,我好鍾意您!

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