許廷鏗 - 知己 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 許廷鏗 - 知己

吳:寂寞隨時約你 不需揀時間勝地 遊蕩時最愛 拿著手機 自在拍你真的美
Wu: Loneliness can arrange a date with you at any time. You don't need to select a time or a place to win. While we're hanging out, my favorite thing to do is to take my mobile phone and capture your beauty freely.
許:辯論大事或無聊鬥氣 有時隨心好可擔當得起 初戀的年代講起 談到末日世紀
Xu: Whether we're debating about important matters or arguing about silly things, sometimes, I can sincerely take on the responsibility of being your confidant. We talk about the era of our first love and the doomsday.
許:我共你難得這一個知己 (吳:我共你難得可成為知己)
Xu: (Wu: It's a rare thing that you and I can become confidants.) It's a rare thing that you and I can become confidants.
Both: We've never held hands, but we've tasted the sweet feeling of happiness.
Xu: What if this is the privilege of being a companion?
吳:讓每份好奇 願禮物儲起
Wu: Let's stash away every curiosity as a gift.
合:仍偏心這個知己 無崖星空任你自己高飛
Both: I still favor this confidant. I'll let you soar freely in the boundless starry sky.
Xu: I wonder what the weather is like on the other side of the shore.
Wu: We're still quite a distance away.
Both: It looks even more beautiful from afar.
吳:落著淚仍來見你 不須表情與顧忌 也好過花光 全部心機 談情說愛辛苦捉心理
Wu: I still come to see you even when I'm in tears. I don't need any expression or consideration. It's better than using up all my energy and scheming. It's tiring to try to figure out each other's thoughts when we're talking about love.
許:自認事實他曾約你 你要共誰一起不妒忌 這相處當中存著驚喜 情緒別太多突然亂了自己
Xu: I admit that it's true that he once asked you out. I won't be jealous if you want to be with him. There are surprises in this kind of relationship. Don't let your emotions get the better of you and mess you up.
許:仍難得這一個知己 (吳:仍難得可成為知己)
Xu: (Wu: It's a rare thing that you and I can become confidants.) It's still a rare thing that you and I can become confidants.
Both: We've never held hands, but we've tasted the sweet feeling of happiness.
Xu: What if this is the privilege of being a companion?
吳:讓每份好奇 願禮物儲起
Wu: Let's stash away every curiosity as a gift.
合:仍偏心這個知己 無崖星空任你自己高飛
Both: I still favor this confidant. I'll let you soar freely in the boundless starry sky.
Xu: I wonder what the weather is like on the other side of the shore.
Wu: We're still quite a distance away.
Both: It looks even more beautiful from afar.
合:仍難得這一個知己 從無拖手但有幸福滋味
Both: It's still a rare thing that you and I can become confidants. We've never held hands, but we've tasted the sweet feeling of happiness.
Xu: What if this is the privilege of being a companion?
吳:讓每份好奇 願禮物儲起
Wu: Let's stash away every curiosity as a gift.
Both: I still favor this confidant.
許:無崖星空讓我自己高飛 (吳:無崖星空任你自己高飛)
Xu: I'll let myself soar freely in the boundless starry sky. (Wu: I'll let you soar freely in the boundless starry sky.)
Xu: I wonder what the weather is like on the other side of the shore.
Wu: It's like a happy vacation.
許:和你設那天地 (吳:如愛情那麼美)
Xu: I can create that world with you. (Wu: Like love that's so beautiful.)

Writer(s): Kok Kong Cheng, Wai Lap Wu

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