謝安琪 - 我爱茶餐厅 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 謝安琪 - 我爱茶餐厅

I Love Cafe Restaurants
星洲炒米古法蒸青斑 西冷扒叉雞飯
Singapore stir-fried rice, steamed soon hock cooked in the old way, sirloin steak with rice
齋啡檸水鮮奶滾水蛋 款式相當廣泛
Coffee jelly, lime water, fresh milk, tea with evaporated milk, there's a wide variety
令我驚嘆 實太璀璨
It amazed me, it's really splendid
若怕分散 亦有套餐
If you're afraid there's too much, there are also set meals
相差咫尺都有好幾間 想搵位真好辦
Just a stone's throw away, there are several of them, it's real convenient to find a seat
不需超額消費可一餐 兼且水準不爛
You don't need to spend a lot to have a meal and the standard is not bad
實要稱讚 絕無偷懶
I really commend it, there's no cutting corners
做夠七晚 夜半也未閂
Open seven nights a week, it's still open at night
*我愛你個性樸素平民化 會教顧客暢快滿意如歸家
*I love your simple, down-to-earth character you make customers feel relaxed and contented as if they are home
牛油餐包再配以百年濃茶 令倦透的身軀也昇華*
Butter bun with the century old strong tea It elevates my exhausted body*
你最可嘉 再世爸媽
You are a blessing, second only to parents
英超西甲轉播深宵間 餐廳一一包辦
English Premier League, La Liga, broadcast after midnight restaurants all provide
聽聽師傅講社會險奸 都可得益千萬
Listen to the chef talk about the evils of society It can also benefit me greatly
實太抵讚 絕對不懶
It's so worthy of praise, definitely not lazy
未見不散 夜半也落單
Never seen before, open at night
我愛你個性樸素平民化 會教顧客暢快滿意如歸家
I love your simple, down-to-earth character you make customers feel relaxed and contented as if they are home
牛油餐包再配以百年濃茶 令倦透的身軀也昇華
Butter bun with the century old strong tea It elevates my exhausted body
你最可嘉 用兩蚊做到
You are a blessing, you can do it for two dollars
換凍飲太好 彈性高有著數
It's great to get a cold drink, it's flexible and you get a good deal
我愛你個性樸素平民化 會教顧客暢快滿意如歸家
I love your simple, down-to-earth character you make customers feel relaxed and contented as if they are home
牛油餐包再配以百年濃茶 令倦透的身軀也昇華
Butter bun with the century old strong tea It elevates my exhausted body
港式餐廳流傳成為文化 陪同人群見證繁榮和低窪
Hong Kong-style restaurants become part of our culture, and they accompany us through prosperity and hardship
豪情瀟洒氣慨似少年劉華 外貌帶點草根卻高雅
Dashing, unrestrained air like the young Andy Lau, appearance somewhat grassroots but elegant
你最好打 鬥志可嘉
You are the best, fighting spirit worthy of praise

Writer(s): Bo Xian Zhou

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