謝帝 - 請揣滿人民幣 - traduction des paroles en anglais

請揣滿人民幣 - 謝帝traduction en anglais

Please Carry a Lot of RMB
到傍晚看太阳下山 走在了街上看人群下班
Watching the sunset by the eveningWalking in the street seeing people getting off work
每个人头上都戴的是生活账单 比如说一顿大餐
Everyone's head is full of life bills, like a big meal
有时候心情像看车流钻进下穿 隧道里堵起大山
Sometimes the mood is like watching the traffic flow through the underpassThe tunnel is blocked like a big mountain
有时候只有说脏话才可骂欢 如何在银行的账户后一直画圈
Sometimes only by cussing can I feel happyHow to always draw circles after the account number in the bank
没钱的生活中 到处是麻烦的事情会困扰你
In life without moneyTroublesome things will bother you everywhere
有钱的也不少麻烦的事情 再加上没钱的会恨到你
There are also many troubles with moneyPlus the ones without money will hate you
想处理完问题你不要开玩笑 有更多的问题还剩到起
If you want to solve the problem, don't joke aroundThere are even more outstanding problems
看路上的坑还多腾到起走 像仙人掌不可能顺到你手
Look at the many pits on the road still waiting to be filledLike a cactus, it's impossible to be smooth for you
到处是冰块不好拿 我晓得咯晓得咯 好嘛
There's ice everywhere hard to holdI know, I know. Okay
我眼神去触碰过 感觉到周围的每个人性格都好滑
My eyes have touchedFeeling everyone around me is so slippery
人长大了会变的成熟 锤子 哎呀 不就是狡猾
People become mature when they grow upHammer, oh no, isn't it cunning?
表面上当然都笑的很灿烂 但背后有算盘在考察
Of course everyone's smiling on the surfaceBut there's an abacus in the back making calculations
不要去想一些不该去想的 要不然你就走远了
Hey, don't think about things you shouldn't think aboutOtherwise you'll go far away
听长辈的劝说很简略 他们的眼角中收藏过太多的险恶
The advice from the elders is very simpleTheir eyes have seen too many dangers
所以说不跟争哪个正确 只喊你把恰当的位置选了
So they don't argue over which is correctThey only ask you to choose the right position
客套的话语就免了 只不过有一些事就不要去点破
No polite wordsJust don't point some things out
该演就演哦 哪个说新闻不真实哪个说报纸假
Act it out, who said the news is not true, who said the newspaper is fake
我给你们说了哈全都是真的哈 快给我发一座奥斯卡
I'll tell you everything I said is trueGive me an Oscar now
真假不重要但不顺到人群的意思 就被当成耗子打
Truth is not important, but not following the crowd's willGet beaten like a mouse
那我声明哈 我爱国哈 中国是最最最伟大的国家
Then let me declare, I love my countryChina is the greatest country in the world
你好凶嘛 好大的哥老官 等于说比的过燥本三
You're so fierce, such a big officialI bet you can even win against Cao Cao
出来嘛 约地方见个面 我看你娃是不是币福剑
Come out, let's meet up somewhereI'll see if you're a lucky fellow
该省略就省略 你最好安静点哈 思想放干净点哈
If you can ignore it, then ignore itKeep your mind clean
该欢庆了哈 牛角尖你不要钻进去哈 请安定的耍
It's time to celebrateDon't go into a dead end, please be happy
奥运会奖牌榜China的名字 在前头你有莫得感觉
China's name is at the top of the Olympic medal listDo you feel it
中国的足球队表现很稳定 又输了你有莫得感觉
China's football team is very stableLose again, do you feel it
你妈喊你结婚了 但是你买不起房子你有莫得感觉
Your mom asked you to get married, but you can't afford a house, do you feel it
小贩咋跑了 炒饭不炒了 你没听到城管在喊嗦
Why did the peddler run away? He stopped making fried rice because the city management is shouting
你改变不到的你迟早会习惯的 但其中不包括饥饿
What you can't change, you will get used to it sooner or laterBut this doesn't include hunger
有起伏像海上的波浪 我高兴的时候也感觉到低落
With ups and downs like waves in the seaWhen I'm happy, I also feel down
你感觉到不爽你就应该骂出来 不要穿虚伪的衣着
If you feel upset, you should just say it outDon't wear fake clothes
看网上有很多装道德很高尚的 你们好你MLP
Looking online, there're many people who pretend to be very moralYou guys are so MLP
公交车真的太挤 地铁站真的太挤
The bus is really crowded, the subway is really crowded
生活就是一个完美的绿茶婊 莫得钱她真的不会爱你
Life is a perfect green tea bitchWithout money, she really won't love you
她张开了嘴巴就只会是money talk 其他的不懂她不会外语
When she opens her mouth, it's all money talkShe doesn't know any foreign language
你真开了眼睛就摆脱不到 她是永远不替换的全球代理
If you really open your eyes, you can't get rid of herShe's the global agent that can never be replaced
问一哈房子要好多钱 几百万要赚上好多年
Ask how much a house costs, millions, it will take years to earn
出现了好多的实际的问题 在不断的找你也找我填
There are many practical problemsConstantly looking for you and me to fill in
不同的人 同样的戏 不晓得上演了好多遍
Different people, the same playI don't know how many times it has been performed
实际的情况和理想的差距 被打击就点燃了导火线
The difference between reality and idealsFueled the fuse when we are hit
1989 当我出生 来到了这片土地
1989, when I was bornCame to this land
听了Hiphop 像开了盏灯 但是它照不亮社会主义
Listening to hip-hop is like turning on a lightBut it doesn't shine on socialism
我一转身 脑壳好昏 发现了竞争的对手有十多亿
I turned around, my head was so dizzyFound that there are over a billion competitors
进入了社会才发现你背的书 考试的成绩都不实际
Entering society, only to find out that the books you've readThe exam scores are not practical
有很多的人不服气 因为有很多的人不如意
Many people are not satisfiedBecause many people are not satisfied
干的不想干的工作快疯了 说真的都不想去
I'm going crazy doing jobs I don't want to doTo be honest, I don't want to do any of them
传统的观念已根深蒂固 人都是随波逐流的徒弟
Traditional ideas are deeply rootedPeople are all followers of the crowd
想过好生活办法就只有一个 请揣满人民币
If you want to live a good life, there is only one wayPlease carry a lot of RMB
请揣满人民币 请揣满人民币
Please carry a lot of RMB, please carry a lot of RMB
想过好生活办法就只有一个 请揣满人民币
If you want to live a good life, there is only one wayPlease carry a lot of RMB
请揣满人民币 请揣满人民币
Please carry a lot of RMB, please carry a lot of RMB
想过好生活办法就只有一个 请揣满人民币
If you want to live a good life, there is only one wayPlease carry a lot of RMB

Writer(s): 谢帝

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