譚詠麟 - 心經 - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 譚詠麟 - 心經 - Live

心經 - Live
Heart Sutra - Live
Heart Sutra
Translated by Tang Dynasty Master Xuanzang
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
In the practice of profound Prajna Paramita
照见五蕴皆空 度一切苦厄
Sees that the five aggregates are all empty And all adversity is overcome
色不异空 空不异色
Forms are not different from emptiness Emptiness is not different from forms
色即是空 空即是色
Forms are emptiness Emptiness is forms
受想行识 亦复如是
Sensations, perceptions, fabrications, and mind are also like this
是诸法空相 不生不灭
All these dharmas are empty Not produced, not destroyed
不垢不净 不增不减
Not tainted, not pure Not increasing, not decreasing
是故空中无色 无受想行识
Therefore, in emptiness there is no form No sensations, perceptions, fabrications, or mind
No eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind
No forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, or dharmas
无眼界 乃至无意识界
No realm of eyes Up to no realm of consciousness
无无明 亦无无明尽
No ignorance Also no end of ignorance
乃至无老死 亦无老死尽
Up to no old age and death Also no end of old age and death
无苦集灭道 无智亦无得
No suffering, accumulation, extinction, path No wisdom also no attainment
Due to no attainment
菩提萨陲 依般若波罗蜜多故
Bodhisattvas Relied on Prajna Paramita
心无碍 无碍故 无有恐怖
The mind has no hindrances No hindrances, so no fear
远离颠倒梦想 究竟涅盘
Far away from upside-down dreams Ultimately Nirvana
三世诸佛 依般若波罗蜜多故
All Buddhas of the three times Relied on Prajna Paramita
Attained Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi
Therefore, know that Prajna Paramita
是大神咒 是大明咒 是无上咒
Is a great divine spell Is a great bright spell Is a supreme spell
是无等等咒 能除一切苦 真实不虚
Is an unequaled spell That can remove all suffering Truly not false
Therefore, speak the Prajna Paramita spell
That is, speak the spell:
揭谛揭谛 波罗揭谛
Gate gate Paragate
波罗僧揭谛 菩提娑婆诃
Parasamgate Bodhi svaha
揭谛揭谛 波罗揭谛
Gate gate Paragate
波罗僧揭谛 菩提娑婆诃
Parasamgate Bodhi svaha
揭谛揭谛 波罗揭谛
Gate gate Paragate
波罗僧揭谛 菩提娑婆诃
Parasamgate Bodhi svaha
揭谛揭谛 波罗揭谛
Gate gate Paragate
波罗僧揭谛 菩提娑婆诃
Parasamgate Bodhi svaha
Heart Sutra

Writer(s): Man Chung Lam

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