軟硬天師 feat. 黃耀明 - 愛式 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 軟硬天師 feat. 黃耀明 - 愛式

Love Style
瀟瀟灑灑 不是愛嗎
Is being carefree not love?
生生死死 先算愛嗎
Does love come only through life and death?
Can I love beautifully only if I'm crazy?
簡簡單單 不是愛嗎
Is it not love to be simple?
輾輾轉轉 先算愛嗎
Does love come only through ups and downs?
Will I only love happily if I'm indecisive?
你話拖住你手 日日四圍走
You say that holding your hand, we'll walk around everyday
Kissing and making love every night
同你結婚 講一句我願意
Marrying you, saying yes, I do
But does that mean that I love you?
I hope you'll come to my house
記得我生日 時時送禮物
Remember my birthday and give me presents
Promise me that no matter what, you'll wait for me
But does that mean that you love me?
開開心心 不是愛嗎
Is laughter not love?
辛辛苦苦 不算愛嗎
Is hardship not love?
How could something real become so fake?
飄飄忽忽 不似愛嗎
Is floating not like love?
清清楚楚 可算愛嗎
Can clarity be counted as love?
Will thinking of you constantly be too fake?
就算我唔識你 或者你太遲黎
Even if I don't know you or you came too late,
我一個人睇戲 尋晚你同佢擒被
I watched a movie alone last night while you cuddled with him.
我已經記唔起 我十年無見你
I can't remember, I haven't seen you in ten years,
But does that mean I don't love you?
你著佢件衫 晚晚都咁夜番
You wear his shirt and come home so late every night,
任你點樣玩 有幾個比你揀
Let yourself be played by many,
你從來無講過 可能我睇錯
You've never said it, maybe I'm wrong,
But does that mean you don't love me?
你猜我估 你勝我敗
You guess and I bet, you win, I lose,
男界女界 正常係變態
Men and women, normal and abnormal,
其實我值唔值 到底你識唔識
Am I worthy, do you know?
Ultimately, what kind of love do we prefer?
係真定係扮 係軟定硬
Is it real or fake, soft or hard?
係蝕定係賺 係濃定淡
Is it a loss or a gain, strong or weak?
白撞黑紅加綠 抑或藍溝藍
White, black, red, green or blue?
You tell me, how many really know what love is?
瀟瀟灑灑 不是愛嗎
Is being carefree not love?
生生死死 先算愛嗎
Does love come only through life and death?
Can I love beautifully only if I'm crazy?
簡簡單單 不是愛嗎
Is it not love to be simple?
輾輾轉轉 先算愛嗎
Does love come only through ups and downs?
Will I only love happily if I'm indecisive?
你話 係咪咁
You say, is that right?
我俾你上 你又為我落
I let you go up and you let me down.
你俾我前 又俾我後
You give me first, then you give me after.
我做完就訓 你訓醒就走
I finish and fall asleep, you wake up and leave.
But does that mean that you love me, that you love me?
你話唔俾我住 佢肯俾我食
You say she won't let me live, but he'll let me eat.
我要你唔肯 佢係我唔得
You won't give me what I want, and he can't get what he wants from me.
你係唔係唔肯呀 你唔要得唔得
Will you not give it? Can you not have it?
But does that mean that you love me, that you love me?
瀟瀟灑灑 不是愛嗎
Is being carefree not love?
(你話) 生生死死 先算愛嗎
(You say) Does love come only through life and death?
Can I love beautifully only if I'm crazy?
(係咪) 簡簡單單 不是愛嗎
(Is it) Not love to be simple?
(抑或) 輾輾轉轉 先算愛嗎
(Or) Does love come only through ups and downs?
Will I only love happily if I'm indecisive?
其實 (青青春春) 斜紋代表大方 圓點代表爽朗
Actually (Young and fresh) Diagonal stripes mean generosity, dots mean cheerfulness
(乾乾濕濕) 體貼代表超薄 碎花代表乾爽
(Dry and wet) Considerate means ultra-thin,碎花 mean refreshing
粉紅 (深深淺淺) 真皮燙金凹凸紋 防水樽領盒裝
Pink (Light and dark) Genuine leather embossed waterproof jar-style box
(咿咿挹挹) 直銷十二碼透明
(Hesitant) Direct sales twelve-yard transparent
數碼的確涼 乾濕兩用
Digital fabric is cool, dry and wet dual-use
我諗 我都係鐘意你條瑩光
I think, I still like your fluorescent one

Writer(s): fabio carli

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