軟硬天師 - 廣播道Fans殺人事件 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 軟硬天師 - 廣播道Fans殺人事件

Broadcast Road Fans Murder Case
Ngor Yau Tin Si
Broadcast Road Fans Murder Case
我歌神瘋魔幾百萬人 呼風喚雨叱風雲
I, a pop star, drive millions crazy, calling the shots and stirring up a storm
領導樂壇要靠曬你地 無左你地我地會死
Leading the music scene depends on you guys, without you guys we're done for
疑幻疑真既英文字 ABCDEFG
Vaguely familiar English letters, ABCDEFG
你的名字叫做FANS FANS FANS 我地支持你
Your name is FANS FANS FANS, we support you
黎張劉郭佢都鐘意 上勁歌金曲去EYT
Li, Cheung, Lau, Kwok, they all love him, going on劲歌金曲for EYT
吹親BB就系FANS 逢SHOW必到有早無遲
Anyone who fawns over a baby is a FAN, always the first to show up for every show
亂打拍子表示支持 萬人大合唱世界KEY
Clapping off-beat as a sign of support, a chorus of ten thousand out of tune
黑色BANNER襯反光字 永遠愛你我地支持你
Black banners with shiny letters, forever loving you, we support you
瑩光漆筆 傻瓜機 簽名要簽正響大脾
Fluorescent paint pens, disposable cameras, signatures on your thigh
撞到SECU即刻做戲 偽做証件冒充娛記
Bumping into security, putting on an act, faking credentials as a reporter
話呢話路 喺後台離 見到偶像成個彈起
Following the whispers, backstage, seeing idols and bouncing up and down
軟硬天師我支持你 三個FANS一齊黎
Ngor Yau Tin Si, we support you, three FANS together
嘩! 陸家俊我地支持你 阿! 鄭梓浩我地支持你
Wow! Luk Ka Chun, we support you Ah! Cheng Tze Ho, we support you
喂! 蔡興麟我地支持你 ABCD繼續支持
Hey! Choi Hing Lun, we support you ABCD, keep supporting
喂! 梁雁翎我地支持你 喂! 黎明詩我地支持你
Hey! Leung Ngan Ling, we support you Hey! Lai Ming Shi, we support you
阿! 何婉盈我地支持你 真系奇 我諗我係FANS
Ah! Ho Yuen Ying, we support you Really weird, I think I'm a FAN
各位FANS揸住BB 佔領紅館鎮壓IP
All the FANS holding their babies, occupying the Red Pavilion and suppressing the IP
守住門口廿四小時 D秘密通道佢無所不知
Guarding the entrance 24/7, they know all the secret passages
勤力過PR非常準時 晨早六點棟系唱片公司
More diligent than PRs, always punctual, at the record company by six in the morning
牆上刻字地下寫詩 有起事黎會震碎玻璃
Words carved on the walls, poems written on the ground, when something happens, they'll smash the glass
見偶像架車一轉出路口 佢就跑出馬路做長跑好手
When they see their idol's car turning out of the gate, they run onto the road like marathoners
跳高拍手仲擘大口 攤系路中心扭兩扭
Jumping up and down, cheering, lying down in the middle of the road and wriggling around
由清水灣追到隧道口 披頭散髮又成身汗臭
Chasing from Clearwater Bay to the tunnel entrance, disheveled and stinking of sweat
面青口唇白都唔識得嘔 嗌夠睇夠咪返屋企抖
Pale-faced and blue-lipped, but still screaming, they've seen and heard enough, time to go home and rest
賴碧芬我地支持你 關藹恩我地支持你
Lai Pik Fan, we support you Kwan Oi Yan, we support you
Cheung Wai Ming, we support you
All FANS, please support
黎婉雯我地支持你 MO MO KO我地支持你
Li Yuen Man, we support you Mo Mo Ko, we support you
冼金鳳 我地支持你 求下你嗌我
Sin Kam Fung, we support you Please call me
上台獻花你娶左我啦 強行索吻都幾好架
Coming on stage to give flowers, you married me, demanding a kiss isn't bad either
抄到我電話 知我CALL機號碼
Getting my phone number, knowing my pager number
半夜三更講聲你好嗎 撲喺我樓下攤喺我花架
Calling in the middle of the night to say hello, hanging out downstairs, loitering by my flower stand
Not afraid of rain or snow
對住我同我嘻嘻哈哈 擰轉背拆蟹雕大花
Chatting and laughing with me, turning around and picking crabs and stealing flowers
FANS系我地既食糧 買我隻碟又買我幅相
FANS are our bread and butter, buying my records and my photos
柱躉式中鋒 次次捧場 來來去去得個幾個樣
Pillar-like center forwards, always showing up, the same few faces
陳李黃何歐陽林葛張 歡樂今宵 請鼓掌
Chan, Li, Wong, Ho, Ouyang, Lam, Got, Cheung, Happy Tonight, please applaud
真真假假氣氛幻象 FANS偶像齊齊大合唱
Real and fake, the atmosphere is unreal, FANS and idols sing in unison
LOEN學友我地支持你 AARON華仔我地支持你
Leon, Jacky, we support you Aaron, Andy, we support you
憶蓮SALLY我地支持你 BEYOND草蜢我地支持你
Sandy, Sally, we support you Beyond, Grasshoppers, we support you
Faye, Shirley, we support you Jimmy, Dicky, we support you
各位FANS我地支持你 軟硬天師...
All FANS, we support you Ngor Yau Tin Si...

Writer(s): Hiroaki Serizawa, Yasushi Arimoto

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