軟硬天師 - 电话粗口实录 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 軟硬天師 - 电话粗口实录

Phone Rough Draft
Good times
策划秘密行动 背后全为...
Planning a secret operation while backing...
唱越吻越行运 得奖嘅系...
Singing "The More You Kiss, The Luckier You Get" and winning the...
建造伟大场地 有问题系...
Building a great venue has problems...
While living this New Year's Eve, decide to break the routine...
好时代 好时代 十分精彩 我与你你与我 热切期待
Good times, good times, very exciting, you and me, you and me, eagerly looking forward
好时代 好时代 十分精彩 我与你你与我 热切期待
Good times, good times, very exciting, you and me, you and me, eagerly looking forward
两大领袖谈话 散会然后...
Two leaders talk, the meeting ends and...
四号作状溜后 一起脚就...
Number four pretends to slip afterwards, and with one step...
偶像转换形象 惹话题后...
An idol changes his image and stirs up controversy...
Each episode continues to follow the radio broadcast...
法律最后裁定 胜利全属...
The law finally rules, and the victory belongs to...
每日仰望期待 点知结局...
Daily anticipation turns into a disappointing end...
以上故事桥段 意念全属...
The above stories and plot are the ideas of...
After the client speaks, there's an even more exciting program...
好时代 好时代 极之精彩 我与你你与我 热切期待
Good times, good times, extremely exciting, you and me, you and me, eagerly looking forward
好时代 好时代 特级精彩 我约你你约我 绝对期待
Good times, good times, super exciting, you invite me, I invite you, definitely looking forward
好时代 好时代 劲抽精彩 我tum你你tum我 万众期待
Good times, good times, incredibly exciting, I'll surprise you, you surprise me, everyone's looking forward
好时代 好时代 大超精彩 我信你你信我 惊喜意外
Good times, good times, very exciting, I trust you, you trust me, pleasant surprises
Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Goodtimes Baby
Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Goodtimes Baby
Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Goodtimes Baby
Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Goodtimes Baby
Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Goodtimes Baby
Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Goodtimes Baby
Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Goodtimes Baby
Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Shya-La-La-La Goodtimes Baby
好时代 好时代 号称精彩 我听过你说过 是要期待
Good times, good times, supposedly exciting, I've heard you say, I have to look forward
好时代 好时代 大概精彩 我怕你告诉我 没法期待
Good times, good times, probably exciting, I'm afraid you will tell me, I can't look forward
好时代 好时代 甚么精彩 我答你你答我 为了期待
Good times, good times, what's so exciting, I'll answer you, you answer me, for the sake of anticipation
好时代 好时代 是否精彩 有杀错无放过 可一不可再
Good times, good times, is it exciting, kill the wrong one, don't let it pass, it can't happen again
好好 好好 好好好好 好好好好 好好好好 好好
Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good
你好 我好 大家好 衰都好 死都好 系又好 唔系又好
Hello you, hello me, hello everyone, whether it's bad or good, dead or alive, or not
好好 好好 好好好好 好好 好好好好好
Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good
食好 着好 训好 住好 睇好 唱好 市好 价好
Eat well, dress well, sleep well, live well, look good, sing well, market is good, price is good
咁好? 点好? 好不好都好! 好不好?
Sounds good? How good? Good or not, it's all good! Good or not?

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