I see you love someone like that attentive and considerate. Sometimes you're even a little too clever. You get misunderstood, but you don't explain yourself.
我忍不住想 快步跑過去 抱緊你跟你說我更愛你
I can't help but want to run over to you, hold you tight, and tell you that I love you even more.
雖然我其實知道 如果真換成我 你臉上細微溫柔也會悄悄就溜走
Even though I actually know that if it were me, the subtle tenderness on your face would quietly slip away.
心卻不懂退縮 想愛的衝動 在故事開始以後
But my heart doesn't know how to retreat. The urge to love you is there, after the story begins.
故事都有曾經 我總是又忘記 多少次受過慘痛的教訓
Stories all have a past. I always forget how many times I've learned painful lessons.
就算有天你 一樣會離去 我還是願意去相信 愛情
Even if one day you leave, I am still willing to believe in love.
有時想出去淋雨最好生一場大病 能不能名正言順接受你的關心
Sometimes I want to go out and get caught in the rain until I get sick. Maybe then I can rightfully accept your concern.
愛要開始可能 需要一點奇蹟 心誠則靈請賜我愛情
Love needs a little miracle to start. If you believe, then please grant me love.
如果能選擇擁有一種愛情魔力 希望一直用我的方式去愛你
If I could choose to have a kind of love magic, I wish to always love you in my own way.
過去各自經歷 那些委屈就放在心裡 不必再提
In the past, we each experienced things. Let's put those grievances in our hearts and not mention them again.
故事總有結局 何時來何時去 摸不清也不能預告說明
Stories always have an ending. When they come and when they go, we can't figure it out or predict it.
我也傷過心 也有點恐懼 但還是不想放棄
I've been heartbroken too, and I'm a little scared, but I still don't want to give up.
故事都有曾經 我總是又忘記 多少次受過慘痛的教訓
Stories all have a past. I always forget how many times I've learned painful lessons.
就算有天你 一樣會離去 我還是願意去相信 愛情
Even if one day you leave, I am still willing to believe in love.
也許 交會遠離心的軌跡 真有注定
Maybe this intersection is far from the trajectory of my heart. It's really destined to be.
又何必 去擔心 結束後 太冷清
Why should I worry about being too lonely after it ends?
乾脆 鼓起了勇氣 愛個徹底
去珍惜 愛情故事 每個都真心
Go cherish the love story. Everyone is sincere.
故事總有結局 何時來何時去會不會灌溉心 長出永恆甜蜜
Stories always have an ending. When they come and when they go, will they irrigate the heart and grow eternal sweetness?
我 也有點恐懼 但還是不想放棄
I'm also a little scared, but I still don't want to give up.
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