農夫 - DJ Galaxy is Back - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 農夫 - DJ Galaxy is Back

DJ Galaxy is Back
DJ Galaxy is Back
闊別十年啊 對上一次同呢位廣東話語言界嘅翹楚 奇葩
Well, it's been ten years since the last time I've spoken to this Cantonese language virtuoso, an oddball.
How long has it been since we've had a conversation?
Oh, since I was born, I've been talking the whole time.
I mean, in our albums.
Oh, you should have been more specific.
因為呢 呢輪呢我哋成日講個啲啫係"捍衛廣東話"吖
You know, we've been talking about "defending Cantonese" a lot lately.
你真係表表者啦 當中嘅
You're definitely a leader in that movement.
Of course!
I'd love to hear you speak more Cantonese.
係啦 咁耐無聽我哋講廣東話啦
Yeah, it's been a while since you've heard us speak Cantonese.
即係 譬如 如果話"你出唔出去" 咁你會點講
For example, if I wanted to say "Are you going out?", how would you say it?
Get out of here.
I asked you to say "Are you going out?".
唔使啦 直程叫佢出去啦 使乜問佢啫 點解要聽佢講個啲意思呢
No need, just tell him to get out. Why bother asking what he thinks?
咁如果話 我想話叫人哋速去速回啦 咁你又會點講嘅呢
Ok, what if I wanted to say, "I want to tell people to come back quickly". How would you say that?
Come back quickly.
你已經進化到 速去速回係快啲翻嚟 講唔到嗰個字啦
You've evolved so much that "come back quickly" is now "come back quickly". You can't even say the word anymore.
咁如果即係話你最近 "哇 你最近好風光喎" 咁你點講啊
And if I wanted to say "Wow, you've been doing really well lately", how would you say that?
I've always been doing well.
唔係啊 唔係有咩示範俾我哋嘅聽眾
No, no, give me an example for our listeners.
Because we have a lot of friends who really want to learn more about Cantonese.
Oh, what's "doing really well lately?"
即係個啲速去啊 速巷啊個啲都係你教嘅喔
You mean, all those things like "go quickly" and "fast lane" you taught us?
係咩 係啊 速輪
Really, yeah, fast lane.
速輪?!其實你岩岩係咪 仲chok唔到你講呢個?速輪
Fast lane?! Did you mean to say that? Fast lane.
係咪想講速龍 定係真係想有一個輪呢 好快嘅 你係唔係講緊嗰個呢
Did you mean to say "fast dragon" or did you really mean to say there was a wheel there? Very fast. Are you talking about that?
They're the same thing.
速龍 速輪 都係一樣啫
Oh, fast dragon and fast lane are the same thing.
好啦 麻煩我哋嘅語言界翹楚
Alright, can I trouble our Cantonese language virtuoso
to read us this sentence that everyone has been waiting for?
郵差!叔叔!送信!sorry 信信
Postman! Uncle! Deliver the mail! Sorry, letter, letter.
咩啊 純屬 唔啱音喎 大佬 你咩事啊
What the heck? Your pronunciation is all wrong. Dude, what's wrong with you?
Hey, can you (can you) read it (read it) first?
郵差叔叔 送信 純屬 送出信
Postman, uncle, deliver the mail, purely, deliver the letter.
我哋真係好期待啊 一個正確嘅讀音究竟呢句係點
We're really looking forward to hearing a correct pronunciation of this sentence.
郵差叔叔 送信 純屬 送出 迅速
Postman, uncle, deliver the mail, purely, deliver quickly.
咩啊 又要嬲喔
What the heck? Are you mad again?
咩咩 都唔知咩字
What, what? I don't know what you're talking about.
Aren't you still clueless?
唔得啦 放棄了
Oh, no, I give up.
Give it to a real person to read.
係囉 走啦
Yeah, come on, let's go.

Writer(s): Fu Nong, Galaxy Dj

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