農夫 - Sam歌 (feat. 咖啡因公園@Coffee&Tea) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 農夫 - Sam歌 (feat. 咖啡因公園@Coffee&Tea)

Sam歌 (feat. 咖啡因公園@Coffee&Tea)
Sam's Song (feat. Coffee & Tea)
監製:DJ Tommy
Produced by: DJ Tommy
I used to listen to Sam's songs, they taught me how to be a good person
But now I'm not so sure if I agree
再冇鐵塔凌雲 邊有人肯沉默是金
There are no more skyscrapers reaching for the clouds, who believes in silence is golden?
Japanese dolls are not as popular anymore
我細細個 阿爸晚晚猛播Sam哥嘅歌我聽咗太多
When I was a child, my father would play Sam's songs for me every night
但係到我大個 同一套見解而家乜都變晒
But now that I'm older, the same views seem to have changed
以前話 沉默是金 我驚我轉頭俾人鬧鑊甘
Before, we were told to be silent, but I'm afraid I'll be cursed if I don't speak my mind
你話笑罵由人 因爲真永是真
You said to let others laugh and curse, because truth will always be truth
But now, if you don't speak up, people will easily hate you
沉默唔係有胸襟 沉默唔代表中肯
Being silent doesn't mean you have courage, it doesn't mean you're impartial
Just yesterday, someone told me I wasn't brave enough
你話過 咪移民 咪去外國做二等公民
You said not to移民, not to go abroad and become a second-class citizen
But now, thousands of people leave every year, desperate to escape
唔係啲生意佬去外國進軍 係啲小市民對呢度冇信心
It's not just business people going abroad to expand their businesses, it's ordinary people who have lost faith in this place
學生哥 好温功課 而家學生多 更多功課
Students used to study hard, but now there are more students and more homework
驚輸在起跑線 童年得考試同測驗
They're afraid of losing at the starting line, so their childhoods are filled with exams and tests
贏咗學分 輸咗童真
They win credits but lose their innocence
Sam couldn't have predicted that the world would turn out like this
I used to listen to Sam's songs, they taught me how to be a good person
But now I'm not so sure if I agree
再冇鐵塔凌雲 邊有人肯沉默是金
There are no more skyscrapers reaching for the clouds, who believes in silence is golden?
Japanese dolls are not as popular anymore
鐘意聽歌都聽過Sam哥嘅歌 今日再encore 都覺得正喎
I like listening to Sam's songs, even today I think they're great
係時代已經變咗 定係嗰一個香港已經唔見咗
Has the era changed, or is that Hong Kong gone forever?
仲邊有財神到 搵錢要依正路
There's no more God of Wealth, and making money the right way doesn't work anymore
拿拿聲走去搵嘢做 就買到樓嗰個莫大毛
People hustle and grind to buy a flat, and those who succeed are the lucky ones
而家要搵錢要博大霧 太正路聽瞓馬路
But now, to make money, you have to be ruthless
你今日冇 將來都冇 想買個窗台都要靠父母
If you don't hustle today, you won't have a future
現實唔理想 咪索性講理想唔玩半斤八兩
Reality sucks, so let's just talk about ideals, and not bother with the details
唔怕波士癲過雞 因為好多時係d人炒老細
Don't be afraid of crazy bosses, because sometimes employees fire their bosses
講真 身邊人仲邊有你講嘅香港心
Honestly, the people around me don't have what you would call a Hong Kong heart
鐵塔凌雲 只係奇聞 個個放假都plan去旅行
Skyscrapers reaching for the clouds are just a myth, everyone just plans their next vacation
除左流感就係遊行 冇香港人想留多陣
There's always a flu or a protest, no one wants to stay in Hong Kong anymore
歌神 有冇可能带我返番去你以前嗰陣
Oh Sam, can you take me back to the good old days?
I used to listen to Sam's songs, they taught me how to be a good person
But now I'm not so sure if I agree
再冇鐵塔凌雲 邊有人肯沉默是金
There are no more skyscrapers reaching for the clouds, who believes in silence is golden?
Japanese dolls are not as popular anymore
嗰陣沉默是金 家陣誰還未發聲音
Back then, silence was golden
嗰陣冇時莫強求 家陣時時有訴求
Back then, don't always push your luck
嗰陣日本娃娃 家陣gam sa ham ni da
Back then, Japanese dolls
嗰陣半斤八兩 家陣要搵理想
Back then, half a catty is eight taels
嗰陣十個女仔 家陣港女咪制
Back then, ten girls
嗰陣搵錢依正路 家陣有錢好霸道
Back then, make money the right way
嗰陣做人要識do 家陣做人要識do do
Back then, you had to do what you had to do

Writer(s): Fu Nong, Kwan C

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