農夫 - 偉大航道 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 農夫 - 偉大航道

Great Voyage
This song has been written especially for you
Perhaps you do not know what I am talking about now
But when you are grown up and put this track again on your CD player
You will understand what I have done for you
You are growing up as a young boy, but how many years of growing are yet to come
Do not let your childhood be filled with nothing but exams and tests
望下個天 咁好天 去下海邊
Look up at the sky, such a beautiful day, go down to the beach
For when you are grown up you will forget what nature is
You should fight for your time, enjoy as a schoolchild
有幾多功課做都好閒 唔駛喊
Your homework does not matter how much, do not cry
當你正式上班 先知道乜野叫慘
When you start working, you will know what is called a pain
原來做功課好簡單 做人好難
Homework is easy, being a person is hard
Do not blame your school, those several teachers who seem to be so annoying
Because no teacher can ever be more annoying than your boss
唔好介意 記缺點只係小事
Forget it, receiving a remark is a small thing
Conduct points are just a small version of office politics
唔好笑你同學仔 因為佢將來可能係
Do not laugh at your schoolmate, for he may become
同你做一世嘅兄弟 順便一提
A brother for life, oh by the way
Never start smoking whatsoever
點解 因為你想像唔到佢有幾難戒
Because you cannot imagine how difficult it is to quit
This song has been written for you
將所有我經過 我做錯 咪學我 再做錯 因此我
Containing all that I have gone through, my mistakes, do not learn from my mistakes, do not make the same mistakes, that is why I am
Writing you this song
想當你跌低過 挫敗過 有力再 去突破
Wishing that when you fall, when you fail, you will have the strength to, overcome
大多幾歲 你會想搵返個情侶
In a few years, you will want to find a lover
老土啲講一句 唔係有心就唔好追佢
To put it in an old-fashioned way, if you do not love her, do not pursue her
你諗下佢流嘅眼淚 傷害佢
Think of her tears, the hurt you cause her
將來佢 唔再相信愛
In the future, she will never believe in love
How can you live with yourself
Love is fun, but do not play with love
你一個唔小心 可能會影響佢一世人
You may unintentionally affect her for the rest of her life
我係過來人 我做錯 咪學我 再做錯 因此我
I have been there, I have made mistakes, do not learn from my mistakes, do not make the same mistakes, that is why I am
系啵 記住飲酒唔好飲咁多
Yes, remember, do not drink too much
尤其是有杯著曬火 一定要朋友幫下拖
Especially if you have had a drink out in the sun, make sure a friend helps you along
貓到訓低都冇乜所謂 最怕起身係隔籬
If you pass out, that is fine, it is worse to wake up next to
見到個好似我咁嘅男仔 你就知道乜野係蝕底
A man who looks like me, then you will know what it means to lose
Do not have relationships with random people
話就話前事不提 都係另一種虛偽
It is easy to say, let bygones be bygones, but it is another form of hypocrisy
因為 我始終認為
Because I always believe that
Your husband does not want to know that he has so many brothers
This song has been written for you
將所有我經過 我做錯 咪學我 再做錯 因此我
Containing all that I have gone through, my mistakes, do not learn from my mistakes, do not make the same mistakes, that is why I am
Writing you this song
想當你跌低過 挫敗過 有力再 去突破
Wishing that when you fall, when you fail, you will have the strength to, overcome
講到想講嘅都講過 需要分享我分享過
I have said all that I want to say, I have shared all that I wanted to share
你始終會大個 你始終會離開我
You will grow, you will eventually leave me
每人都有名 每人都有姓
Everyone has a name, everyone has a surname
The day of birth is the best form of identification
每人都有名 每人都有姓
Everyone has a name, everyone has a surname
The day of birth is God's affirmation of you
This song has been written for you
將所有我經過 我做錯 咪學我 再做錯 因此我
Containing all that I have gone through, my mistakes, do not learn from my mistakes, do not make the same mistakes, that is why I am
Writing you this song
想當你跌低過 挫敗過 有力再 去突破
Wishing that when you fall, when you fail, you will have the strength to, overcome
The path has always been difficult
But no matter how difficult it is
I will always be here to accompany you
Actually, coming to this world
Is an arrangement
You will become much greater than you can imagine

Writer(s): C Kwan

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