農夫 - 十年人事 (feat. 陶傑) - traduction des paroles en anglais

十年人事 (feat. 陶傑) - 農夫traduction en anglais

十年人事 (feat. 陶傑)
Ten Years of Life (feat. Dandelion)
七一的晚上 煙花多漂亮
On the evening of July 1st, the fireworks were beautiful
At the foot of Lion Rock, a decade has suddenly passed
飄忽的政治 消失的偶像
Politics are fickle, idols have vanished
We've walked for ten years at the foot of Lion Rock, until sunset
回歸十年 突然 諗返起以前
Ten years after the handover, I suddenly think back to the past
Has the promise of fifty years of no change been fulfilled?
The first year's fireworks display was particularly beautiful
But the economy is already in decline
係董生腳頭唔好 定係咁啱金融風暴
Was it Mr. Tung's bad luck or just the financial crisis?
啲新聞仲報導 呢十年香港幾好
The news still reports that Hong Kong has been doing well for the past ten years
我哋有幾好嗻 你哋點會知道
How well are we doing, how would you know?
The housewives are becoming increasingly frugal
The working class is forced to work overtime
幾多個人 曾經係負資產
How many people have negative equity?
幾多大學生 人工唔過一萬
How many university graduates earn less than ten thousand dollars?
一蚊一隻雞都無人夠膽 出街食晚飯
No one dares to go out for dinner anymore, even if a chicken costs only one dollar.
Graduation is synonymous with unemployment
十年人事幾番新 十年過得幾艱辛
A decade of change, a decade of hardship
有人捍衛到個髮型 捍衛唔到民心
Some have defended their hairstyles, but they have lost the hearts of the people
熱烈慶祝回歸 有邊個會咁諗
Who would think that we are celebrating the tenth anniversary of the handover?
哥哥 梅姐 霑叔 羅文
Leslie, Anita, Chow, Roman
失業 SARS 通縮 流感
Unemployment, SARS, deflation, flu
The past decade has been too full of sorrow
事到如今 靈灰閣都無預你同我嗰份
Even the columbarium has no places for you and me
或者應份 俾啲掌聲我哋各位香港人
Perhaps we deserve some applause, all of us Hongkongers.
七一的晚上 煙花多漂亮
On the evening of July 1st, the fireworks were beautiful
At the foot of Lion Rock, a decade has suddenly passed
飄忽的政治 消失的偶像
Politics are fickle, idols have vanished
We've walked for ten years at the foot of Lion Rock, until sunset
(In the first ten years after the handover, the government was called incompetent, and the people were treated like idiots)
(Article 23 legislation was shelved, 85,000 apartments were vacated, and SARS struck)
(In the blink of an eye, it was Donald Tsang's turn to take the heat, and the political reform package became a mess)
(Rita Fan and Jasper Tsang were at odds with each other. What sins did the people of Hong Kong commit in their past lives?)
原來突然眨下眼 咁就過左十年
I didn't realize that in the blink of an eye, ten years have passed
以前仲係中學生 今日要出嚟搵錢
I was still a high school student, but now I have to go out and make money
The fireworks display each year is a reminder
紀念 公眾假期多咗幾天
A reminder that we have a few more public holidays
Was it Mr. Tsang's good luck
定係佢無夾硬 無事搵事嚟做
Or did he just not create trouble for no reason?
近年經濟轉好 大家行返舊路
In recent years, the economy has improved, and everyone is back on their feet
Just look at the stock market index
有得搵就好搵 搵一陣就好搵過你打幾份工
If there's money to be made, make it while you can, because it's better than working several jobs
內地勞工 今日變身自由人
Mainland laborers have become self-employed
嚟到香港自由行 每個人洗幾千蚊
They come to Hong Kong to spend thousands of dollars on shopping
No wonder so many people are rushing back to dig for gold
以前有事走咗去 今日無事返番嚟
They left when there were problems, and they're back when things are good
Do they even consider Hong Kong their home?
The Queen's Pier is to be demolished
灣仔嗰條印刷 街又要拆
The printing street in Wan Chai is also to be demolished
What style will it become?
維多利亞海港 每年都Transform
Victoria Harbour is transformed every year
好似變形金剛 變成維多利亞河
Like a Transformer, it becomes Victoria River
河嘅對面有座山 山下面燈光燦爛
Across the river is a mountain, its foot bathed in light
七百萬人男男女女 有你同我 我同佢
Seven million people, men and women, you and me, me and him/her
七百萬人來來去去 有你同我 我同佢
Seven million people, coming and going, you and me, me and him/her
七一的晚上 煙花多漂亮
On the evening of July 1st, the fireworks were beautiful
At the foot of Lion Rock, a decade has suddenly passed
飄忽的政治 消失的偶像
Politics are fickle, idols have vanished
We've walked for ten years at the foot of Lion Rock, until sunset

Writer(s): Tommy Dj, Kwan C

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