農夫 - 寂寞是最無敵 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 農夫 - 寂寞是最無敵

Loneliness is the most invincible
Someone said invincibility is the loneliest
咁試問 寂寞又係咪最無敵嘅咧
Then ask yourself, is loneliness the most invincible?
Yes, I'm the champion of loneliness
寂寞個寂 寂寞個寞
The solitude of loneliness, the desolation of loneliness
寂寞最高級 一個人都得
The highest level of loneliness, one person is enough
攞寂寞嚟撈汁 當寂寞係食物
Use loneliness as a dipping sauce, treat loneliness as food
Yes, I'm the champion of loneliness
寂寞個寂 寂寞個寞
The solitude of loneliness, the desolation of loneliness
寂寞係食得 一個人亦得
Loneliness is edible, and one person is enough
我寂寞過乜 我寂寞過植物
I'm lonelier than plants
Have you ever thought that loneliness has no antonym?
Go look it up in the dictionary and tell me
定係還是 根本無呢件事
Or is it possible that it simply doesn't exist?
So there is no such word at all
寂寞嘅秋天 我寂寞咁抽煙
In the lonely autumn, I smoke lonely
望寂寞嘅周邊 邊個唔寂寞先
Looking at the lonely surroundings, who isn't lonely?
寂寞嘅微博 要人關注
Lonely Weibo, need attention
喺寂寞嘅面書 偷人蕃薯
On lonely Facebook, stealing sweet potatoes
寂寞 之所以埋堆
Loneliness, because it likes company
怕寂寞 晚飯直落去 派對賣醉
Afraid of loneliness, go to parties and get drunk
頂唔住寂寞 有人去極樂
Can't stand loneliness, some people go to paradise
善良定極惡 都必定會寂寞
Kindness or evil, will definitely be lonely
寂寞 無得用力學計算
Loneliness cannot be calculated by force
寂寞 只會比直覺睇穿
Loneliness can only be seen through intuition
企圖用愛情 友情 親情 抵消寂寞
Attempt to use love, friendship, and affection to offset loneliness
到失去 你就明 未免 睇小寂寞
When you lose it, you will understand that you have underestimated loneliness
Yes, I'm the champion of loneliness
寂寞個寂 寂寞個寞
The solitude of loneliness, the desolation of loneliness
寂寞最高級 一個人都得
The highest level of loneliness, one person is enough
攞寂寞嚟撈汁 當寂寞係食物
Use loneliness as a dipping sauce, treat loneliness as food
Yes, I'm the champion of loneliness
寂寞個寂 寂寞個寞
The solitude of loneliness, the desolation of loneliness
寂寞係食得 一個人亦得
Loneliness is edible, and one person is enough
我寂寞過乜 我寂寞過植物
I'm lonelier than plants
Let me say it again, loneliness has no antonym
Words like happiness, joy, excitement, and satisfaction
Excuse me (huh)
從來無嗰種感覺 所以從來無嗰個字
I've never had that feeling, so I've never had that word
攞住寂寞嘅remote 揀寂寞嘅頻道
Holding the loneliness remote, choosing the loneliness channel
寂寞嘅問號 問寂寞係咪神造
The question mark of loneliness, asking if loneliness is created by God
慳返啖氣 咪同寂寞鬥氣
Save your breath, don't fight loneliness
啱啱出世起 有寂寞就有你
Since birth, there has been loneliness and you
佢有最多黄金 睇住日落黄昏
He has the most gold, watching the sunset
Still feeling lonely, was he Tang Seng in his previous life?
佢有最多伴侶 每個月換換佢
He has the most lovers, changing them every month
Still feeling lonely, do others treat him as a toy?
寂寞係 一班太監上青樓
Loneliness is a group of eunuchs visiting a brothel
寂寞係 得返自己嘅星球
Loneliness is being alone on your own planet
寂寞係 就算有幾多成就
Loneliness is, no matter how much you achieve
How many friends can only bear it alone?
你欠缺什麼 還是感到寂寞
What are you lacking, still feeling lonely?
就像唱K佢 沒字幕
It's like singing karaoke, there are no subtitles
Yes, I'm the champion of loneliness
寂寞個寂 寂寞個寞
The solitude of loneliness, the desolation of loneliness
寂寞最高級 一個人都得
The highest level of loneliness, one person is enough
攞寂寞嚟撈汁 當寂寞係食物
Use loneliness as a dipping sauce, treat loneliness as food
Yes, I'm the champion of loneliness
寂寞個寂 寂寞個寞
The solitude of loneliness, the desolation of loneliness
寂寞係乜 寂寞好似我
What is loneliness, loneliness seems to be like me
Singing for three minutes and thirty-one seconds, no one understands what I'm talking about

Writer(s): 6 Wing

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