郭宗瑋 - 離別前言 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 郭宗瑋 - 離別前言

A Word Before Parting
就要畫上句點 屬於我們的故事 差不多到結尾
We are about to put a period at the end of our story, which is almost at its end.
總要到最後一天 才了解 沒有你們的明天不得不面對
It is not until the last day that I understand that I have to face the tomorrow without you.
被風吹得作響的樹葉 讓思緒回到無數個昨天
The leaves rustling in the wind take my thoughts back to the countless yesterdays.
所有回憶編織成的畫面 能不能笑著懷念
Can I recall all the memories we have woven together with a smile?
期待著 最後最多人的聚會 害怕著 真正的離別
I look forward to our last gathering with the most people, but I am afraid of the real parting.
儘管不一定能夠再相會 但是你們 都會留在我心裡面
Although we may not be able to meet again, you will always be in my heart.
謝謝這份幸運 讓我們能夠相遇
Thank you for this fortune that has brought us together.
些許的不捨是為了接下來的故事 彈奏的序曲
The slight reluctance is the prelude to the next story.
對彼此的鼓勵 都將化作勇氣
The encouragement we give each other will turn into courage.
在未來的旅途 就算風吹雨淋 也能夠 繼續前進
On the journey ahead, even if the wind blows and the rain falls, I can keep moving forward.
就要畫上句點 屬於我們的故事 差不多到結尾
We are about to put a period at the end of our story, which is almost at its end.
總要到最後一天 才發現 沒有你們的明天不得不面對
It is not until the last day that I find out that I have to face the tomorrow without you.
被風吹得作響的樹葉 讓思緒回到無數個昨天
The leaves rustling in the wind take my thoughts back to the countless yesterdays.
所有回憶編織成的畫面 能不能笑著懷念
Can I recall all the memories we have woven together with a smile?
期待著 最後最多人的聚會 害怕著 真正的離別
I look forward to our last gathering with the most people, but I am afraid of the real parting.
儘管不一定能夠再相會 但是你們 都會留在我心裡面
Although we may not be able to meet again, you will always be in my heart.
謝謝這份幸運 讓我們能夠相遇
Thank you for this fortune that has brought us together.
些許的不捨是為了接下來的故事 寫下的序曲
The slight reluctance is the prelude to the story that follows.
對彼此的鼓勵 都將化作勇氣
The encouragement we give each other will turn into courage.
在未來的旅途 就算風吹雨淋 也能夠 繼續前進
On the journey ahead, even if the wind blows and the rain falls, I can keep moving forward.
謝謝這份幸運 讓我們能夠相遇
Thank you for this fortune that has brought us together.
些許的不捨是為了接下來的故事 彈奏的序曲
The slight reluctance is the prelude to the next story.
對彼此的鼓勵 都將化作勇氣
The encouragement we give each other will turn into courage.
在未來的旅途 就算風吹雨淋 也能夠 繼續前進
On the journey ahead, even if the wind blows and the rain falls, I can keep moving forward.
在未來的旅途 就算風吹雨淋 也能夠 繼續前進
On the journey ahead, even if the wind blows and the rain falls, I can keep moving forward.

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