鄧健泓 - 阿琴 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 鄧健泓 - 阿琴

A Qin
Forever loving 荷荷’s Sn.
学习高低音 笨拙加天真 错了都怕问
Learning high and low notes, clumsy and naive, I’m afraid to ask questions when I’m wrong.
没什么资质 与你去学琴 也算得够运
I don’t have much talent, but going to learn music with you is still lucky.
但愿练啊练到愈听愈动人 但是练到愈听愈差吓坏人
I hope that the more I practice, the more moving it sounds, but the more I practice, the worse it gets, I’m afraid I’ll scare you.
日后令你愈爱愈想爱别人 实在极愚笨 哪会够吸引 你爱上巴哈才合衬
In the future, the more you love, the more you want to love others, it’s so stupid, how can it be attractive enough? You falling in love with Bach is more appropriate.
宁愿做你坏键琴 共你才合衬 或者分享过了几粒音煽动恻隐
I’d rather be your broken piano, only with you is it appropriate, or sharing a few notes to evoke compassion.
就算努力地练琴 我仍弹不走这缺憾 不停排练亦是手震
Even though I practice hard, I still can’t get rid of this flaw, my hands are shaking even after continuous rehearsals.
而其实都只好怪我 这双手太笨 不可以演奏 令你兴奋
Actually, it’s all my fault, these hands are too clumsy, they can’t play to make you excited.
Forever loving 荷荷’s Sn.
命运一走音 学做牺牲品 当我的责任
Fate hits a sour note, learning to be a sacrifice, it’s my responsibility.
但愿一双手 会抱着猎人 结尾都抱憾
I hope that my hands will hold the hunter, and end in regret.
但愿令你愈听愈爱愈入神 尽力练啊练到十级震动人
I hope that the more you listen, the more you love, the more you get lost in it, I’ll practice hard to reach level ten and shake you.
日日练啊练到自己往下沉 自问尽全力 当你会走近 当你会不忍来热吻
I practice every day until I sink, I ask myself, am I giving my all? When you come closer, when you can’t bear to kiss me.
宁愿做你坏键琴 共你才合衬 或者分享过了几粒音煽动恻隐
I’d rather be your broken piano, only with you is it appropriate, or sharing a few notes to evoke compassion.
就算努力地练琴 我仍弹不走这缺憾 不停排练亦是手震
Even though I practice hard, I still can’t get rid of this flaw, my hands are shaking even after continuous rehearsals.
而无论我在拼命弹 你闷得想训 冷漠得好过份 都知我不配令你兴奋 la...
And no matter how hard I play, you’re bored and want to sleep, indifferent, too much so, I know I’m not worthy to excite you la….
宁愿做你坏键琴 共你才合衬 或者分享过了几粒音煽动恻隐
I’d rather be your broken piano, only with you is it appropriate, or sharing a few notes to evoke compassion.
就算努力地练琴 我仍弹不走这缺憾 不停排练亦是手震
Even though I practice hard, I still can’t get rid of this flaw, my hands are shaking even after continuous rehearsals.
而无论我在拼命弹 你闷得想训 冷漠得好过份 都知我不配令你兴奋
And no matter how hard I play, you’re bored and want to sleep, indifferent, too much so, I know I’m not worthy to excite you.
Forever loving 荷荷’s Sn.

Writer(s): Le Cheng Wu, Ruo Ning Lin

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