鄭嘉嘉 - 比你更像男人 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 鄭嘉嘉 - 比你更像男人

I Am a Better Man Than You
如分手不需讲究面子 前来诚实地告示 请讲我知
Should our breakup not need to consider face, please come honestly and let me know.
别拖拖拉拉等我下旨 似要我率先启齿 证实不治
Don't drag your feet and wait for me to decree the order, like you want me to be the first to speak to prove that it is incurable.
如若你没骨气面对 等我默然地后退 不淌血 未滴泪
If you don't have the guts to face me, waiting for me to silently retreat, not bleeding, not crying,
也许这一次还是我更加 干脆
Maybe this time I'll be more decisive.
巴不得我跟你掉换做男人 当你一脸犹豫越望越激愤
I can't wait to change places with you and be a man, when you hesitate, the more I look at you, the more furious I become,
才骤觉我 连讲再会都不抖震
Then suddenly I realize that I don't tremble when I say goodbye.
准我现时为情尽而负责任 一句别离后才视为陌生人
Allow me to end the relationship and take responsibility now. After we part ways, we will be strangers.
难道你信 每个女生 临别要吻
Do you really believe that every girl wants a kiss goodbye?
如这困兽斗没了没完 你却比女生寡断 再别婉转
Like this trapped beast, the fight is endless, yet you are more indecisive than a girl. Stop being coy.
难道你避开我就算 不够胆作出了断 等得我极疲倦
Do you think that by avoiding me, you are not brave enough to make a decision? You will wait until I am exhausted,
才知我比我形象更加的 洒脱
Only then will you realize that I am more easygoing than my image.
巴不得我跟你掉换做男人 当你一脸犹豫越望越激愤
I can't wait to change places with you and be a man, when you hesitate, the more I look at you, the more furious I become,
才骤觉我 连说分手都不抖震
Then suddenly I realize that I don't tremble when I say goodbye.
准我现时为情尽而负责任 一句别离后才自重地抽身
Allow me to end the relationship and take responsibility now. After we part ways, I will withdraw with dignity.
方发现我比你 勇敢
Then I'll realize that I am braver than you.
你若是再拖 姑息我等于在伤我
If you keep delaying again, favoring me, you are just hurting me.
看着时日白过 容忍不到你的怯懦
Watching time pass, I cannot tolerate your cowardice.
Ha 对峙好过静坐 无用闪躲
Ha! Confrontation is better than just sitting still. Useless dodging.
准我这次跟你掉换做男人 等我帮你做残局善后的人
Allow me to change places with you and be a man this time. Wait for me to help you clean up the mess.
才骤觉我 连说分手都不抖震
Then suddenly I realize that I don't tremble when I say goodbye.
准我现时为情尽而负责任 关上大门后才视为陌生人
Allow me to end the relationship and take responsibility now. After we close the door, we will be strangers.
才骤觉我比你更像男人 WO 我更狠
Then suddenly I realize that I am more of a man than you. I am more ruthless.

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