鄭秀文 - 寵物 - traduction des paroles en anglais

寵物 - 鄭秀文traduction en anglais

習慣了熱愛 從來不覺得我會被期待
I used to be accustomed to loving without expecting to be loved in return.
你卻會給我 隨時一個擁抱心花滿開
Yet, you give me a hug whenever I need one, making my heart blossom.
靠在門前為我冀待 賣弄著小可愛
You wait for me at the door, showing off your charm.
已令人完全 忘掉為何感慨
It makes me forget all my worries.
就算再重要 原來緊要不過抱在懷內
No matter how important anything else is, it's not as important as holding you in my arms.
對你再寵愛 從來不致使我攀山涉海
No matter how much I spoil you, you never make me work too hard for it.
世上原來除你以外 並沒甚麼可愛
There's nothing else in the world that's as cute as you.
你在旁徘徊 連他都可放開
When you're around, I can let go of everything else.
還是你比他懂得親我 比他依戀我
You love me more than he does, you need me more than he does.
You need me for everything.
無奈你有多麼討好我 未可開花結果
It's too bad that no matter how much you adore me, we can't be together.
陪著你比他簡單好過 甚麼都聽我
It's easier and better to be with you than him, you always listen to me.
You're even more foolish than me.
他不必抱我 他不必愛我 他不必有我
He doesn't have to hold me, he doesn't have to love me, he doesn't have to have me.
未試過為你 愁眉苦臉等你抱在懷內
I've never felt anxious or worried about you, waiting for you to hold me in your arms.
卻試過因你 搖頭擺尾使我高聲喝彩
But I've wagged my tail and cheered for you.
世上原來除你以外 並沒甚麼可愛
There's nothing else in the world that's as cute as you.
When you're around, I can let go of everything else.
還是你比他懂得親我 比他依戀我
You love me more than he does, you need me more than he does.
You need me for everything.
無奈你有多麼討好我 未可開花結果
It's too bad that no matter how much you adore me, we can't be together.
陪著你比他簡單好過 甚麼都聽我
It's easier and better to be with you than him, you always listen to me.
You're even more foolish than me.
他不必抱我 他不必愛我 他不必有我
He doesn't have to hold me, he doesn't have to love me, he doesn't have to have me.
還是你比他懂得親我 比他依戀我
You love me more than he does, you need me more than he does.
You need me for everything.
無奈你有多麼討好我 未可開花結果
It's too bad that no matter how much you adore me, we can't be together.
It's easier and better to be with you than him.
甚麼都聽我 比我更加傻
You always listen to me, you're even more foolish than me.
他不必抱我 他不必愛我 他不必有我
He doesn't have to hold me, he doesn't have to love me, he doesn't have to have me.

Writer(s): Xi Lin, Ng Kwok King, Wong Conrad

鄭秀文 - True Legend 101
True Legend 101
date de sortie

1 出界
2 捨得
3 濃情
4 Arigatou
5 祝你快樂
6 表演時間
7 你愛我愛不起
8 微醺
9 背叛
10 Ladies First
11 煞科
12 非男非女
13 愛的輓歌
14 唯獨你一個
15 今晚不可以
16 兩個只能愛一個
17 捨不得你
18 上一次流淚
19 過山車
20 愛上一個人
21 玻璃鞋
22 跳傘
23 交換溫柔
24 沒有運氣的天使
25 人間定格
26 那天你愉快嗎
27 守望相愛
28 螢光粉紅
29 醫生與我
30 終身美麗
31 禁果花
32 獨家試唱
33 如何掉眼淚
34 愛是…
35 珠光寶氣
36 兒童不宜
37 如果我們不再見
38 回來我身邊
39 感情線上
40 心肝命椗
41 神奇女俠
42 至理明言
43 永遠都不夠
44 我應該得到 - 國
45 不能承受的感動
46 完整
47 口紅
48 承諾
49 癡癡為你等
50 快樂不快樂
51 依靠
52 值得
53 唯獨你是不可取替
54 多得他
55 仙樂都
56 Try Again (廣東話版)
57 調情
58 世界之最
59 實不相暪
60 失戀有根據
61 唉聲嘆氣
62 女人本色
63 我們的主題曲
64 加爾各答的天使-德蘭修女
65 最後勝利
66 X 派對
67 呼之欲出
68 默契
69 問我
70 意見不合
71 不拖不欠
72 顏色...氣味
73 小心女人
74 放不低
76 秋冬愛的故事
77 男仕今天你很好
78 一夜成名
79 情變
80 愛有什麼用
81 偶遇
82 不可多得
83 很愛很愛你
84 宿命主義
85 插曲 - Acoustic Version
86 發熱發亮
87 愛你是我一生中理想
88 真命天子
89 上弦月
90 無藥可救
91 寵物
92 Feel So Good
93 心血來潮
94 理想對象
95 哭泣游戲
96 生活語言
97 親密關係
98 星秀傳說 (Everyone Is a Superstar)

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