Missing you is like a button in my heart, when I press it I tremble, you marked me with a wound that will take a long time to heal.
你給我快樂的感受 也是我悲傷的理由 靜默時候 仿佛你在我左右
You give me feelings of joy, but you are also the reason for my sadness, in the silence it's as if you are next to me.
愛像流沙經過了沙漏 堆積在心頭 耗盡點滴付出 從來不保留
Love is like sand flowing through an hourglass, accumulating on my heart, every drop is precious and I never hold back.
可惜時間不容愧疚 不懂珍惜細水長流 任憑它腐朽
But time doesn't allow for regret, not understanding the importance of nurturing love every day, letting it wither.
眼淚讓鐵石心腸 生銹 如初情感遲早會陳舊
Tears rust even the hardest of hearts, and eventually even the strongest feelings will fade.
說好了不回頭 卻還頻頻回首 怕看你背影會難受
We said we wouldn't look back, but I still turn around often, afraid that watching you walk away will hurt too much.
又怕錯過你回眸的溫柔 說好了放開手
And afraid that I'll miss the tenderness in your eyes if you look back. We said we'd let go.
指痕還抓住我心頭 你走後 開始念舊 想要補救 卻已無法回頭
But the imprint of your fingers is still on my heart. After you left, I started to miss you, I wanted to make things right, but it was already too late.
愛像流沙經過了沙漏 堆積在心頭 耗盡點滴付出 從來不保留
Love is like sand flowing through an hourglass, accumulating on my heart, every drop is precious and I never hold back.
可惜時間不容愧疚 不懂珍惜細水長流 任憑它腐朽
But time doesn't allow for regret, not understanding the importance of nurturing love every day, letting it wither.
眼淚讓鐵石心腸 生銹 如初情感遲早會陳舊
Tears rust even the hardest of hearts, and eventually even the strongest feelings will fade.
說好了不回頭 卻還頻頻回首 怕看你背影會難受
We said we wouldn't look back, but I still turn around often, afraid that watching you walk away will hurt too much.
又怕錯過你回眸的溫柔 說好了放開手
And afraid that I'll miss the tenderness in your eyes if you look back. We said we'd let go.
指痕還抓住我心頭 你走後 開始念舊 想要補救 卻已無法回頭
But the imprint of your fingers is still on my heart. After you left, I started to miss you, I wanted to make things right, but it was already too late.
說好了不回頭 卻還頻頻回首 擁抱著記憶太難受
We said we wouldn't look back, but I still turn around often, holding on to memories is too painful.
又害怕歲月無情都帶走 祈求時光倒流 定格在相遇的時候
And I'm afraid time will steal them all, I wish I could go back, to the moment we met.
其實我 早已念舊 誰會懂我 最卑微的 奢求
The truth is, I've always missed you, who will understand my most humble, desperate wish?
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