關楚耀 - 求生 - traduction des paroles en anglais

求生 - 關楚耀traduction en anglais

Seek for existence
我這個世界 似個廢墟
My world resembles a ruin
跌痛了 茫茫然喝醉
I fell hard, drunk in a daze
Getting up is so tiring
承認落敗 靜靜撤退
Admitting defeat, retreating quietly
誰愛過我 如零丁島嶼
Who has loved me like a lonely island
太遠 遠過了焦距
Too far, beyond focus
Can't find a warm body
Floating in a cold mind
不講生活 只講生存
Don't talk about life, just talk about survival
Existing in a struggle for life and death
人不知死活 只知苟存
People don't know how to live or die, only how to survive
寂寞鎖住我 睡前流淚望天堂
Loneliness locks me up, shedding tears before sleep
命運阻住我 目前仍活著我應該怎麼過
Fate blocks me, I'm still alive, how should I live
我已經糟蹋了這麼多 我對天禱告要求什麼
I've wasted so much, what should I pray for
Who notices that something's wrong with me
我這個世界 變了戰區
My world has become a war zone
救我救我 神我在這裡
Save me, save me, my God, I'm here
Fear, depression, anxiety
成就大業 討個沒趣
Achieving great things, getting nothing
誰變節了 以敵人自居
Who has betrayed, becoming an enemy
說了算 毫無根據
Talking nonsense, groundless
如開口自己掌嘴 頭上響雷
Like slapping myself in the face, thunder on my head
寂寞鎖住我 睡前流淚望天堂
Loneliness locks me up, shedding tears before sleep
命運阻住我 目前仍活著我應該怎麼過
Fate blocks me, I'm still alive, how should I live
我已經糟蹋了這麼多 我對天禱告要求什麼
I've wasted so much, what should I pray for
我已經失去了這麼多 剩下抽搐的痛楚
I've lost so much, left with only twitching pain
荒野中掙扎求存 已習慣不擇手段
Struggling for survival in the wilderness, I'm used to unscrupulous means
為自保無得手軟 對一切毫無留戀
I can't be soft-hearted for self-preservation, indifferent to everything
世上種種恩怨情仇 面目全非桃花仍舊
The grievances and grudges in the world, the faces are all gone, the peach blossoms remain
全身顫抖勉強戰鬥 痛苦前奏默默承受
Trembling all over, hardly fighting, silently enduring the painful prelude
天生天養天命難違 人生在世天大難題
Born in heaven, raised by heaven, destiny is hard to disobey
昔日光輝今日荒廢 身段放低求生真諦
Yesterday's glory, today's decline, lower prestige in search of the truth of life
腳步停低 生命停滯 存在嘅定位 失敗嘅稱謂
Footsteps stop, life stagnates, the positioning of existence, the title of failure
討厭污穢嘅身世 討厭成功代表住嘅一切
Hate the dirty past, hate everything success stands for
讓我做廢物我不想做人 誰說人要有火
Let me be a waste, I don't want to be a human, who said humans must have fire
The strange thing is, I need everyone's permission to go out
猛烈嘅焚燒 一了百了 剩下嘅尊嚴 全部丟掉
Fierce burning, once and for all, all dignity, all gone
無欲無求再無需要 無牽無掛再無歡笑
No desire, no need, no concern, no joy
世人爭分奪秒手上金錶 延續不了 脈搏心跳
People fight for every second with a gold watch, can't prolong pulse and heartbeat
時針上嘅分秒逐日減少 阻止不了 火把逐漸熄掉
The minutes and seconds on the hour hand decrease day by day, can't stop the torch from gradually going out
世界個個逼我踏上正路 摧毀自己發出尖叫聲討
Everyone in the world forces me to take the right path, destroys myself, and screams for help
同一個倒模 同一款型號 同一條道路 同一個程度
The same mold, the same model, the same path, the same level
昔日同袍今日彷如陌路 各自各 被生存 逼上 絕路
Yesterday's comrades are like strangers today, each on his own, forced by survival to a dead end
背上背叛自己嘅叛徒名號 一早為生存放棄擁有嘅全部
Carrying the name of a traitor who betrayed himself, gave up everything he had for survival
Loneliness locked me up
A prison built with loneliness, dark room, dark as night
Fate blocks me
Destined to toil until the end, nothing will be accomplished, nothing will help
寂寞鎖住我 睡前流淚望天堂
Loneliness locks me up, shedding tears before sleep
命運阻住我 目前仍活著我應該怎麼過
Fate blocks me, I'm still alive, how should I live
我已經糟蹋了這麼多 我對天禱告要求什麼
I've wasted so much, what should I pray for
我已經失去了這麼多 我已經不介意那麼多
I've lost so much, I don't care about anything anymore

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