阿牛 - 我和我的四個妹妹 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 阿牛 - 我和我的四個妹妹

My Four Sisters and Me
我的大妹 外表看來最堅強 卻有著一副 最敏感的心腸
My eldest sister, appearing strong on the outside, yet has a most sensitive soul
別讓執著 成為遺憾 海闊天空 任由你遨翔
Don't let persistence become regret, the vast skies let you soar freely
妳喜歡 漂漂亮亮的東西 二妹 這其實也沒什麼要緊
You like pretty things, my second sister, and that's nothing to be ashamed of
女孩子愛打扮 天經地義 但自自然然也是一種美麗
It's natural for girls to love dressing up, but being yourself is also a kind of beauty
喔妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妳是妳 就做回 最出色的自己
Oh, sister, sister, sister, sister, be yourself and be the best you can be
小小的快樂 有小小的滿足 何必每件事都 驚天動地
Small joys bring small contentment, why does everything have to be earth-shattering?
喔妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妳是妳 就做回 最出色的自己
Oh, sister, sister, sister, sister, be yourself and be the best you can be
今天的妳做好今天的妳 明天的路 讓他自己 繼續
Be the best you can be today, and let tomorrow take care of itself
啊三妹 妳長得最漂亮 男孩看到妳通常會緊張
Oh, my third sister, you're the most beautiful, boys often get nervous around you
別打贏了別人 輸給自己 讓美麗成為生命的負擔
Don't win over others but lose to yourself, don't let beauty become a burden in your life
喔小妹 妳和老哥最相像 小腦袋總有太多東西要想
Oh, my little sister, you're most like your big brother, your little head is always filled with so many things
多愁善感 心地善良 表現慾很強 卻容易受傷
Sentimental, kind-hearted, with a strong desire to express yourself, but easily hurt
喔妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妳是妳 就做回 最出色的自己
Oh, sister, sister, sister, sister, be yourself and be the best you can be
小小的快樂 有小小的滿足 何必每件事都 驚天動地
Small joys bring small contentment, why does everything have to be earth-shattering?
喔妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妳是妳 就做回 最出色的自己
Oh, sister, sister, sister, sister, be yourself and be the best you can be
今天的妳做好今天的妳 明天的路 讓他自己 繼續
Be the best you can be today, and let tomorrow take care of itself
喔大妹二妹三妹和小妹 老哥 我也沒什麼好榜樣
Oh, my eldest sister, my second sister, my third sister, and my little sister, I'm no role model either
不會洗衣 又不會煮飯 就為自己和妳們 窮緊張
I can't do laundry, I can't cook, I just worry about myself and you
妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妳是妳 就做回 最出色的自己
Oh, sister, sister, sister, sister, be yourself and be the best you can be
究竟會是誰 帶走妳的心 開創妳生命的 另一個天地
Who will take your heart, and open up another world for you?
喔妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 妹妹 謝謝妳 謝謝妳對我付出的關心
Oh, sister, sister, sister, sister, thank you for your love and care
但願我能夠 送給妳們一人一顆 知足常樂 的心
I hope I can give each of you a contented heart
願我們都有 知足常樂 的心
May we all have contented hearts

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