陳嘉樺 - 都幾歲了 (電視劇【幸福一家人】片尾曲) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳嘉樺 - 都幾歲了 (電視劇【幸福一家人】片尾曲)

都幾歲了 (電視劇【幸福一家人】片尾曲)
How Old Do You Have to Be? (Ending Theme Song for the TV Series [A Happy Family])
誰在心上開了一扇天窗 就讓思緒一整夜著了涼
Who opened a skylight in my heart?Making my thoughts catch a chill all night long
誰在耳邊說了一句謊話 就讓天真的人被綑綁
Who whispered a lie in my ear?Binding an innocent person
誰在心上築了一道城牆 遮住月光也遮蔽了希望
Who built a wall around my heart?Blocking out moonlight and hope
誰讓眼角塌了一座堤防 淚水氾濫成一片汪洋
Who caused a levee to collapse at the corner of my eye?Causing tears to flood out into a vast ocean
怎麼 都幾歲了 還一樣 長不大
Why,How old do you have to beBefore you finally grow up?
真的相信 地會久 天會長
Do you really believeThe earth will last foreverAnd heaven will grow old?
感情裡面的人來人往 但真心不是有來有往
In relationships,People come and go,But true feelingsDon't come and go
都幾歲了 不應該 放不下
How old do you have to beBefore you let go?
這一路上 有些人 該遺忘
Along the way,Some peopleShould be forgotten
幸福不會是紅著眼眶 快樂不該是有點逞強 何必勉強
Happiness shouldn't bring tears to your eyes.Happiness shouldn't require a little bit of逞強.Why bother forcing it?
人們渴望能夠自由飛翔 卻忘了我們都沒有翅膀
People long to fly freely,Yet they forget that we don't have wings
你和我沒有什麼不一樣 受了傷也只能更堅強
You and I are no different.When we're hurt,All we can do is get stronger
怎麼 都幾歲了 還一樣 長不大
Why,How old do you have to beBefore you finally grow up?
真的相信 地會久 天會長
Do you really believeThe earth will last foreverAnd heaven will grow old?
感情裡面的人來人往 但真心不是有來有往
In relationships,People come and go,But true feelingsDon't come and go
都幾歲了 不應該 放不下
How old do you have to beBefore you let go?
這一路上 有些人 該遺忘
Along the way,Some peopleShould be forgotten
幸福不會是紅著眼眶 快樂不該是有點逞強 何必勉強
Happiness shouldn't bring tears to your eyes.Happiness shouldn't require a little bit of逞強.Why bother forcing it?
都幾歲了 還一樣 長不大
How old do you have to beBefore you finally grow up?
真的相信 地會久 天會長
Do you really believeThe earth will last foreverAnd heaven will grow old?
感情裡面的人來人往 但真心不是有來有往
In relationships,People come and go,But true feelingsDon't come and go
都幾歲了 不應該 放不下
How old do you have to beBefore you let go?
這一路上 有些人 該遺忘
Along the way,Some peopleShould be forgotten
幸福不會是紅著眼眶 快樂不該是有點逞強 何必勉強 何必勉強
Happiness shouldn't bring tears to your eyes.Happiness shouldn't require a little bit of逞強.Why bother forcing it?Why bother forcing it?
既然心上開了一扇天窗 不如就好好的曬曬月亮
Since there's a skylight open in my heart,I might as well let the moonlight shine in
既然眼角塌了一座堤防 不如就好好的哭一場 又怎樣
Since a levee collapsed at the corner of my eye,I might as well have a good cry.So what?

Writer(s): Zhang Jian Jun Wei

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