陳奐仁 - 旅行 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳奐仁 - 旅行

我愛去旅行 但旅行好煩
I love to go traveling but traveling is so vexing
要排隊過關 料理吃不慣
I need to queue up to get through customs, and the food is not up to my taste
我愛去旅行 導航超煩
I love to go traveling, but navigation is super annoying
沒了銀聯卡 我真不知該怎麼辦
I have lost my UnionPay card, I really don't know what to do
出發前還得訂機票 還得訂酒店 還得買個旅游保險 萬一遇上什麼不便
Before departing, I still need to book an air ticket, a hotel, and even travel insurance in case anything untoward happens
航空還得選個最便宜的 椅子盡量要寬一點 抵達時間要白天 航班最好不拖延
I need to select the cheapest airline, choose a seat which is as spacious as possible, aim for daylight landing, and hope that the flight does not get delayed
什麼 不能在機場換錢 所有的商品都要在百貨公司因為可以退稅
Oh what? Oh no! I cannot exchange money at the airport. I have to buy everything from a department store because I can get tax refunds
二手鞋買了四對 我犯了天大的罪 sorry寶貝
I bought four pairs of second-hand shoes. I have committed a heinous crime. Sorry, baby
我的腿好累 明明來度假怎麼行程像是武裝部隊 明明來花錢 怎麼吃飯你都嫌貴
My legs are so tired. I am supposed to be on vacation, but this feels like a regimented drill. I am supposed to spend money, but you complain about everything being expensive
我頂不住了寶貝 你繼續逛 我回酒店睡
I can't take it anymore, honey. You continue your shopping. I am going back to the hotel to sleep
我愛去旅行 但旅行好煩
I love to go traveling but traveling is so vexing
要排隊過關 料理吃不慣
I need to queue up to get through customs, and the food is not up to my taste
我愛去旅行 導航超煩
I love to go traveling, but navigation is super annoying
沒了銀聯卡 我真不知該怎麼辦
I have lost my UnionPay card, I really don't know what to do
先到先買 長龍照排 人山人海
The first to arrive will buy first, people queuing up in long lines, a sea of people
美食景點 逍遙自在 多姿多彩
Gourmet food, scenic spots, a carefree existence, colorful and varied, but
餐廳空白 不給餐牌 不理不睬
The restaurant is out of ingredients, they don't offer a menu, and they are cold and indifferent. What the heck?
預約無效 空車不載 有貨不賣 我不信
Reservation is invalid, no empty taxi, items out of stock. I don't believe it
如果不是有色眼鏡 你不會對我那麼無禮
If you were not being judgmental, you would not be so rude to me
你可能看清 親禮儀之邦也有文雅之士 外國人也有人不講理 我懂a b c
Perhaps you have seen that even in a nation of etiquette, there are cultured people. Even foreigners may be unreasonable. I know my ABCs
如果你是我二 我是一 如果我是A 你是B You 2B
If you are a two, I am a one. If I am an A, you are a B. You two B
等我出手你窒息 中國國粋不是玩游戲 You know Bruce Lee
When I make my move, you will choke. China’s national quintessence is not a game. You know Bruce Lee
我愛去旅行 但旅行好煩
I love to go traveling but traveling is so vexing
要排隊過關 料理吃不慣
I need to queue up to get through customs, and the food is not up to my taste
我愛去旅行 導航超煩
I love to go traveling, but navigation is super annoying
沒了銀聯卡 我真不知該怎麼辦
I have lost my UnionPay card, I really don't know what to do
有時旅行會累過工作 寧願看雜志當作去過
Sometimes traveling is more tiring than working. I would rather look at a magazine as a substitute
花錢花心思奔波 到處自拍為什麼
You spend money and effort on traveling, taking photos of yourself everywhere. Why?
但金錢不能代表一切 人生需要各種的突破
But money cannot account for everything. Life requires breakthroughs of all kinds
用賺的錢來出國 讓我的見識廣闊
I use my hard-earned money to go abroad so that my horizons can be expanded
我愛去旅行 但旅行好煩
I love to go traveling but traveling is so vexing
要排隊過關 料理吃不慣
I need to queue up to get through customs, and the food is not up to my taste
我愛去旅行 導航超煩
I love to go traveling, but navigation is super annoying
沒了銀聯卡 我真不知該怎麼辦
I have lost my UnionPay card, I really don't know what to do
我愛去旅行 但旅行好煩
I love to go traveling but traveling is so vexing
要排隊過關 料理吃不慣
I need to queue up to get through customs, and the food is not up to my taste
我愛去旅行 導航超煩
I love to go traveling, but navigation is super annoying
沒了銀聯卡 我真不知該怎麼辦
I have lost my UnionPay card, I really don't know what to do

Writer(s): 陳奐仁

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