陳威全 - 你想成為什麼樣的人 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳威全 - 你想成為什麼樣的人

What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be
謀了一個職位 加班到夜深 轉眼幾年
Got a job, worked late into the night, and blinked a few years
可熬了幾年 存款的數字 少得可憐
Be endured a few years, and the number of deposits is pitifully small
還有沒有理想 有沒有盼望 裝模作樣
Is there an ideal, is there a hope, pretending
可熬了幾年 想都不敢想 瘋不瘋狂
Be endured a few years and don’t dare to think, are you crazy or not
我沒那麼笨 卻一不留神 就成為裝笨的大人
I'm not that stupid, but I was careless and became a big fool
完美的大人 比想像艱深 不能怕傷痕 不容許天真
A perfect adult is more difficult than imagined, can't be afraid of scars, can't allow naivety
我沒那麼笨 只是濫好人 融入了我們 當個 合群 同類
I'm not that stupid, but I'm just a kind-hearted person, blending in with us, being a sociable person, of the same kind
不敢想 不敢問 再痛也不敢 否認
Dare not to think, dare not to ask, no matter how painful my heart is, I dare not deny it
還牽著手的人 都在等一個 單膝下跪
People who are still holding hands are waiting for a kneeling proposal
可結婚鑽戒 光芒太刺眼 讓人慚愧
But the wedding ring's brilliance is too dazzling, making people ashamed
填滿證書空位 以為離幸福 能近一點
Filling in the blank of the certificate, thinking that it can get a little closer to happiness
可喜劇收尾 現實的編劇 不這麼寫
But the happy ending, the screenwriter of reality doesn't write it like this
我沒那麼笨 卻一不留神 就成為裝笨的大人
I'm not that stupid, but I was careless and became a big fool
完美的大人 比想像艱深 不能怕傷痕 不容許天真
A perfect adult is more difficult than imagined, can't be afraid of scars, can't allow naivety
我沒那麼笨 只是濫好人 融入了我們 當個合群同類
I'm not that stupid, but I'm just a kind-hearted person, blending in with us, being a sociable person, of the same kind
想要的 得不到 那「要不到」才是「人生」
What I want, I can't get it. That "can't get it" is "life"
又一年 慶生宴 許下心願
Another year, birthday party, make a wish
那心願 隨蠟燭 燃盡後 又熄滅
That wish, with the candle, extinguished after burning out
歲月狂奔 敢不敢問自己
Time flies, dare you ask yourself
「你想成為 什麼樣的人」
"What kind of person do you want to be"
我沒有那麼笨 卻一不留神 就成為最笨的大人
I am not that stupid, but I was careless and became the dumbest adult
最笨的大人 大人的天真 就為了理想 笨到奮不顧身
The dumbest adult, an adult's innocence, for ideals, being foolish and desperate
最笨的大人 再悶不吭聲 怎麼對得起 不棄權的我們
The dumbest adult, no matter how sullen, how can I live up to us who didn't give up
多希望 能成為 認真給幸福的人
I hope I can become someone who can give happiness seriously

Writer(s): 陳威全

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