陳柏宇 - 行屍走肉 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳柏宇 - 行屍走肉

Walking Dead
太舒服 忘了你的日子 太舒服
Too comfortable, forgot the days with you, too comfortable
誰要喝水為痛哭 哭乾仍難滿足
Who wants to drink water to cry, crying is hard to satisfy
別說苦戀 拖幾季 才馥郁
Don't say bitter love, drag a few seasons, then it's mellow
以孤獨 陪同從未下班 去攻毒
Accompanied by loneliness, never getting off work, to fight the poison
而世界 又立了春 草已這樣綠
And the world, spring has arrived, the grass is so green
於此時成仙 多麼有福
At this time, becoming an immortal, how blessed
想不做情痴 當走肉行屍
Want to stop being a love fool, become a walking dead
心早已不跳 但實情 只有我不知
Heart has stopped beating long ago, but the truth, only I don't know
這悲情男子 活著無寒暑
This tragic man, living without seasons
真希望 早不治 這哀痛 方不會 不已
Really hope, it can't be cured early, this sorrow, so it won't continue
聽一段 如訴似泣二胡 聽一段
Listen to a passage, like the erhu crying and訴說, listen to a passage
來引証 念念那些 經已不念念
To prove, those things that have been念念不忘, are now forgotten
戚戚然回憶 安心化烟
Feeling sad and recalling, relieved and vanishing like smoke
想不做情痴 當走肉行屍
Want to stop being a love fool, become a walking dead
心早已不跳 但實情 只有我不知
Heart has stopped beating long ago, but the truth, only I don't know
這悲情男子 活著無寒暑
This tragic man, living without seasons
等表面 的積極 去掩蓋 心底裡 的刺
Waiting for the positivity on the surface, to cover the thorns in the heart
傷感 漏光血 才停止
Sadness, bleeding out, then it stops
真不解 你為何介意
Really don't understand, why do you care
還來問 怎麼至此
Still asking, how did it come to this
這孤魂無主 等不及祭司
This lonely and ownerless ghost, can't wait for the priest
腐爛人生裡 便自行 選角再開始
In this rotten life, I'll choose the role and start again myself
想不做情痴 當走肉行屍
Want to stop being a love fool, become a walking dead
心早已不跳 很高興 只有我不知
Heart has stopped beating long ago, so happy, only I don't know
這悲情男子 活著無寒暑
This tragic man, living without seasons
不想為 這點事 也早晚 都追悔 不已
Don't want to, for this little thing, sooner or later, also regret, endlessly
身心在僵化 也不醫
Body and mind are stiffening, but I won't heal them

Writer(s): Wyman Wong, Cousin Fung

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