陳泓文 - 吾命由刀 (《霹靂狼煙之古原爭霸》插曲 聖君士之歌) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳泓文 - 吾命由刀 (《霹靂狼煙之古原爭霸》插曲 聖君士之歌)

吾命由刀 (《霹靂狼煙之古原爭霸》插曲 聖君士之歌)
My Life by the Blade (Theme song from "Thunderbolt Mystery: Ancient Plains Rivalry" Holy Lord's Song)
曲名:吾命由刀 (聖君士之歌) (陳泓文)
Song title: My Life by the Blade (Holy Lord's Song) (Chen Hongwen)
Page with full lyrics
踏遍千峰 遠走他鄉
Traveled over a thousand peaks and distant lands
With only the path ahead in sight
Witnessed countless lives extinguished on the bloody path of martial arts
舉步踏破 塵世浪
Every step breaks through the mundane
ㄧ口刀鋒 雲開天光
With a single blade, clouds part and heavens open
Unmoved by storms
壯志洶湧 人生路上
Ambition surges on the road of life
Never once lost
吾命由刀不由天 傲迎霜雪飄飄
My life is governed by my blade, not by fate, facing the cold and snow
亂世出英雄等待 黑夜破曉
In chaos, heroes arise, awaiting the dawn to break
吾命由刀定勝天 面對北風蕭蕭
My life, by my blade, will triumph over fate, facing the bitter north wind
無畏生死關 浪跡天涯 唯一笑
Unafraid of life and death, wandering the world, only laughter remains

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