陳浩德 - 星運人生 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳浩德 - 星運人生

Fortune's Journey
The stars above are twinkling, Bright and dim, Guiding your life in all its whim.
The world is in constant flux, Its ways unknown, Its joys and sorrows, tears we've sown.
In life, triumph and defeat, Both play a part, So don't lament, don't lose your heart.
Though failures come, don't let it break your stride, Don't blame the heavens, let fate decide.
Know destiny's signs, They'll lead your way, Their power will fill you with dismay.
Find your perfect match, Foretold by the stars, Your love advisor, near and far.
Your fate revealed, your path made clear, Daily guidance, casting out your fear.
The cosmos holds secrets, Deep and profound, May your journey be blessed, may fortune abound.
Your destiny lies in the stars, Twelve constellations, guiding your way,
Align your life with their cosmic sway, Embrace the stars, they hold the key.
Know destiny's signs, They'll lead your way, Their power will fill you with dismay.
Find your perfect match, Foretold by the stars, Your love advisor, near and far.
Your destiny lies in the stars, Twelve constellations, guiding your way,
Align your life with their cosmic sway, Embrace the stars, they hold the key.
The stars above are twinkling, Bright and dim, Guiding your life in all its whim.
The world is in constant flux, Its ways unknown, May your journey be blessed,
May you find fortune, may you find grace,
May your days be filled with endless embrace.

Writer(s): Wing Chung Tso, 荀宏生, 鄭國江

1 月是故鄉明
2 悲秋風
3 明日話今天(Live)
4 相思淚(Live)
5 愛人結婚了(Live)
6 幾度夕陽紅 (Live)
7 故鄉的雨 (Live)
8 歸航(Live)
9 桃園行 (Live)
10 不應再猶豫 (Live)
11 舊夢
12 月冷星沉
13 故人夢中尋
14 力爭上游
15 共看絲絲雨
16 白衫白褲 (Live)
17 情濃難斷
18 萬惡淫為首 (Live)
19 難尋舊時夢/我是癡情無限(Live)
20 愛的根源 / 雨夜的浪漫 (Live)
21 分分鐘需要你 (Live)
22 行快D啦(Live)
23 扮靚仔 (Live)
24 鴛鴦江(Live)
25 孤雁淩霄
26 十大刺客
27 望鄉
28 親情
29 漁舟唱晚
30 浪子心聲
31 天涯孤客
32 娉婷
33 德仔有錢
34 相識也是緣份
35 賭仔自嘆
36 冷暖人生
37 盼知音
38 月夜烏啼
39 新禪院鐘聲
40 舊歡如夢
41 團結之歌
42 紅豆相思
43 海韻
44 來遲了
45 暢飲在今宵
46 春花秋月
47 勁草嬌花
48 愛在深秋
49 地久天長
50 念親恩
51 一段情
52 夜夜寄相思
53 一世鍾意你
54 船員心聲
55 思鄉淚
56 滄海一粟
57 可笑世事幻變
58 雨的啟示
59 理想不改變
60 愛的季節
61 浮世無絕望
62 星運人生
63 世事如棋
64 斷腸花
65 黎明
66 風雨同路
67 有誰共鳴
68 半真半假
69 昨夜的渡輪上
70 我要走天涯
71 借來的美夢
72 忘盡心中情
73 秋月
74 打情罵俏
75 情深不變
76 相逢恨晚
77 快樂伴侶
78 香港靚女多
79 俏大姐(Live)
80 平湖秋月(Live)
81 愛上你是一生傳奇
82 情為何物
83 百花亭之戀(Live)
84 分飛燕(囑咐話兒莫厭煩)
85 客家人係有料
86 嬌花翠蝶
87 青春的我

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