陳潔儀 - 失蹤 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳潔儀 - 失蹤

獨自遊夜市 踏著無地方可去的路
I wander through the night market alone, with nowhere to go
寂寞扶著我 問為何鬧到事情越來越糟
Loneliness supports me, asking why things got worse and worse
壞到這地步 也許只能逃
It's so bad, maybe I can only run away
情人暫留在家 徹底反省態度
Lover stays home for a while and reflects on my attitude
我背城借一 去跟戀愛打賭
I turn my back and run away, gambling with love
就這麼失蹤 拒絕上歸途
I just disappeared and refused to go home
你要是知道 會否驚訝失措
If you knew, would you be surprised?
幸運在手裡 輕似鴻毛
Luck is in your hands, it's as light as a feather
你抱著空氣 方知我多好
You hold the air, you know how good I am
今天失蹤 我亦覺煎熬
I'm missing today, and I'm also suffering
怕有人感到 我消失更加好
I'm afraid some people will feel better when I disappear
越夜越荒蕪 一片窮途
The night is more and more desolate, a dead end
你要是找我 怎麼會找不到
If you're looking for me, why can't you find me?
壞到這地步 也許只能逃
It's so bad, maybe I can only run away
情人現時在家 大概應該很焦燥
Lover is at home now, maybe quite anxious
我背城借一 去跟戀愛打賭
I turn my back and run away, gambling with love
這麼失蹤 我亦覺煎熬
I'm so missing, and I'm also suffering
怕有人感到 我消失更加好
I'm afraid some people will feel better when I disappear
越夜越荒蕪 一片窮途
The night is more and more desolate, a dead end
你要是找我 怎麼會找不到
If you're looking for me, why can't you find me?
等不到電話 亦並無安撫我的話
I can't wait for your call or any comforting words
盼你留著我 你偏偏太瀟灑
I hope you will keep me, but you are so chic

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