陳邑豪 - 記得 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳邑豪 - 記得

The seats in the classroom are now empty
The cacophonous days are gone
不曉得 忙碌的生活是為了什麼
The hustle and bustle of life remains unknown
只記得當時 我們多快樂
But all I remember, is how happy we were
夏天的風 在校園裡拉扯
The wind swept through campus during that summer
你的臉龐 在腦海裡浮著
Your face still lingers in my mind
你說呢 回到那裡你在不在呢
If we went back there, would you still be there?
反正想念了 有何不可
It's okay, to reminisce about the past
是否 記得 遇見我的那一刻
Do you remember that moment when we first met?
記得 總是 呼喚著你名字的人
Remember how I always called your name?
快樂 忐忑 我的青春你附和
Happiness and anxiety, you were a part of my youth
笑容 停格 舊相片裡的我們 多青澀
Laughter frozen in time, the young us in old photographs
夏天的風 在校園裡拉扯
The wind swept through campus during that summer
你的臉龐 在腦海裡浮著
Your face still lingers in my mind
你說呢 回到那裡你在不在呢
If we went back there, would you still be there?
反正想念了 有何不可
It's okay, to reminisce about the past
鐘聲 響著 下一堂是什麼課
The bell rings, telling us the next class will start
汗水 流著 享受清脆的運球聲
Sweat trickling down, enjoying the crisp sound of a bouncing ball
愛情 曲折 陪你唱失戀的歌
Our love was a rollercoaster, you were there for me after every heartbreak
我們 懂得 那些深刻不是單純的糾葛
We understood each other's complexities, that our bond was more than just simple infatuation
記得 曾經 一起哭著和笑著
Remember how we cried and laughed together?
別說 不捨 我們是有志氣的人
Let's not be sentimental, we're both strong-willed
或許 不能 再陪你走過坎坷
We may not be able to walk through life's obstacles together
我會 記得 青春的故事裡 你最獨特
But in my memories, you'll always be the main character

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