陳零九 feat. 大勢女神 - 阿不然現在是怎樣 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳零九 feat. 大勢女神 - 阿不然現在是怎樣

Yo, what's up with you?
欸欸欸欸 那邊要左轉 你在幹嘛啦
Hey, hey, hey, hey, you need to turn left over there. What are you doing?
Why don't you drive, then?
I don't have a license, so how can I drive?
I'm just telling you the way to go.
什麼態度 要吵架就對了是不是
What's the attitude? You want to argue now, is that it?
So what do you want me to do now?
Get out of the car, I'm getting out of the car.
到底要我說幾遍 浴室的頭髮要撿
How many times do I have to tell you to pick up the hair in the bathroom?
衣櫃都炸翻天 你還在掏寶逛街
Your closet is a mess, and you're still shopping on Taobao.
討厭你碎碎念 還不准我耍廢
I hate your nagging, and you won't let me be lazy.
You go out with your friends and drink until midnight.
昨天才說要減肥 今天馬上就去吃buffet
You said you were going to lose weight yesterday, and today you're already eating a buffet.
半年前請的新教練 我看你也都沒去練
You hired a new personal trainer half a year ago, and I don't think you've been to the gym.
走到哪都要拍照片 攝影師不是我職業
You take pictures everywhere you go, but you're not a photographer.
一出門就搞失聯 跟我說手機沒有電
As soon as you go out, you lose contact and tell me your phone is dead.
我真的 快受夠 講了 一遍又一遍
I'm really sick of it, I've said it over and over again.
這不爽的感覺 像火車 炸裂的崩潰 嗚嗚
This uncomfortable feeling is like a train, a devastating crash. Ouch.
夠了沒 我的天 別走路靠北邊
Hey, stop it. For God's sake, don't walk so close to the edge.
你的錯 講得 好像 我的錯一樣
You talk like it's my fault, like it's all my fault.
Yo, what's up with you?
什麼都我在做 地也我在拖
I do everything for you, even clean the floor.
要不給你拍拍手 幫你放煙火
Maybe I should give you a round of applause, or set off some fireworks for you.
Yo, what's up with you?
You talk so smoothly, why don't you become a professor?
我看你是欠揍 是不是根本不想活
I think you deserve a beating, don't you want to live at all?
Yo, what's up with you?
你有free style嗎?
Do you have any free style?
寶貝 曬好的衣服 我送到房門間
Hey, baby, I'll put the clothes I dried in the doorway.
真的很sorry 跨了那條線 今晚替你買宵夜
I'm really sorry, I crossed the line. I'll buy you supper tonight.
該怎麼說 該怎麼做 我都跟你 說了好多
I've told you what to say and do, but you don't get it.
你怎麼 就是搞不懂 我在氣什麼 不管怎麼樣 都是你的錯
No matter what, it's all your fault.
我沒聽錯吧我的耳朵 這種話你也說的出口
Did I hear that right? How can you say such things?
全部我概括承受 我根本是隻狗
I bear it all by myself, I'm just a dog.
You said you'd spoil me (didn't I?)
How come I'm like a dog? (Because I am.)
只要乖乖的 我餵你吃罐頭
As long as you behave, I'll feed you canned food.
我真的 快受夠 講了 一遍又一遍
I'm really sick of it, I've said it over and over again.
這不爽的感覺 像火車 炸裂的崩潰 嗚嗚
This uncomfortable feeling is like a train, a devastating crash. Ouch.
夠了沒 我的天 別走路靠北邊
Hey, stop it. For God's sake, don't walk so close to the edge.
你的錯 講得 好像 我的錯一樣
You talk like it's my fault, like it's all my fault.
Yo, what's up with you?
什麼都我在做 地也我在拖
I do everything for you, even clean the floor.
要不給你拍拍手 幫你放煙火
Maybe I should give you a round of applause, or set off some fireworks for you.
Yo, what's up with you?
You talk so smoothly, why don't you become a professor?
我看你是欠揍 是不是根本不想活
I think you deserve a beating, don't you want to live at all?
Yo, what's up with you?
你腦袋 有洞 只會提 分手
You're an idiot, all you do is talk about breaking up.
不要每次吵完架以後只會 哭哭
Don't just cry every time we fight.
Yo, what's up with you?
你腦袋 有洞 只會提 分手
You're an idiot, all you do is talk about breaking up.
不要每次吵完架以後只會 哭哭
Don't just cry every time we fight.
Yo, what's up with you?

Writer(s): 陈零九

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