陳零九 - 廢物 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳零九 - 廢物

No Good Day
站在 我家楼下门口 钥匙掉进水沟
Standing at the door to my home, I dropped my keys in the sewage
老天也在整我 大雨 下的滂沱
Even the heavens were on my case, with the rain pouring down with a vengeance
你的 电话打来问候 开头就提分手
Your call came through, a greeting, but you started with a breakup
说我太过没用 当我 想要解释 挽回你
Saying I was too useless when I wanted to explain myself, to win you back
手机 淋到雨 关了机再开不起
My phone got wet in the rain, it shut down and wouldn't turn back on
我想要 坐出租车 坐到你家 发现口袋 只剩下 空气
I wanted to take a cab to your place, but found my pockets were empty
为什么 倒霉 那个 都是我 工作也被搞丢
Why is it that everything unfortunate happens to me? I even lost my job
我上个月 的薪水还没 给我 老板已经溜走 游戏虚宝偷走
My paycheck from last month still hasn't come through, my boss has already run off, and someone's stolen my game points
我也想过 好好 努力工作生活 相信生命会找到出口
I had thought about trying my best, working hard, living my life, believing that I'd eventually find a way out.
后来发现 什么都没用 面对 现实 有谁 不磕头
But in the end, I realized it was all for nothing. When faced with reality, who can avoid bowing their head?
承认吧 我是个废物 就是个废物
I have to admit, I'm a loser, a complete loser
在世界突兀 被爱情荼毒
An oddity in this world, poisoned by love
盲目的幸福 Oh 像是株痛也无法说出口的植物
That blind happiness, oh, it's like a plant that hurts too much to speak of
承认吧 我是个废物 就是个废物
I have to admit, I'm a loser, a complete loser
别执迷不悟 别试着说服
Don't persist, don't try to convince me
没有人在乎 Oh 丢在路边哭也没有人理的碎骨
No one cares, no one will pay attention to the broken bones crying on the side of the road
I'm not crying
Hey 再见 昨天 那个 懦弱 的我
Hey, goodbye, yesterday, that cowardly me
我拿起球棒 看谁不爽 就敲他头
I'll pick up a baseball bat, and smash the head of anyone who pisses me off
你不要啰嗦 别想要惹我
Don't you dare say anything, don't try to provoke me
谁还敢听说 就把耳朵扯下来 塞到他的喉咙
If anyone dares to speak, I'll rip off their ears and shove them down their throat
女朋友甩了 是我不要的 工作没了是 自己辞职的
My girlfriend dumped me, I'm the one who didn't want her, I quit my job
现在全世界都怕 全世界都怕我
Now the whole world is afraid of me, the whole world is afraid of me, ha
都忘记 有多久没有照着镜子好好看看
I had forgotten how long it has been since I looked in the mirror and took a good look at myself
Every day, I only cared about that unopened message, that message that no one replied to
都是假的 伪装的 其实 还是 痛的
It's all fake, it's all an act, but deep down, it still hurts
With a guitar in my hand, strumming that song that I used to love the most
怎么又想起那失败的我呢 怎么眼泪又不争气掉下来了
How could I think of that loser I once was? How could I let the tears fall again?
原来还是没办法逃出这世界 他把我 逼的 逼的 逼的 逼得
It seems that I still can't escape this world, it's pushing me, pushing me, pushing me, pushing me
反正坐在这也没人 管我 管我
I might as well sit here, no one cares about me
废到朋友都不想再 理我 理我
I'm such a loser that even my friends don't want to deal with me anymore
反正坐在这也没人 管我 管我
I might as well sit here, no one cares about me
废到朋友都不想再 理我 理我
I'm such a loser that even my friends don't want to deal with me anymore

Writer(s): 陈零九

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