陶喆 - 黑色柳丁 (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陶喆 - 黑色柳丁 (Live)

黑色柳丁 (Live)
Black Orange (Live)
今天我心情有一點怪怪的 可是說不出來到底為什麼
My mood is a little strange today, but I can't tell you why.
好像有一些悲傷的徵兆 可是病因不知道
It's like there are signs of sadness, but I don't know the cause.
頭上有橘色的加州陽光 我的口袋只有黑色的柳丁
The California sun is orange above my head, but all I have is a black orange in my pocket.
我只有一個藍色的感覺 不要問我為什麼
I only have a blue feeling, don't ask me why.
很想說 再又覺得沒有話好說 我只恨我自己 逃不出這監獄
I want to say something, but then I feel like I have nothing to say. I only hate myself; I can't escape this prison.
或許我 是個沒有出息的小蟲 不該一直作夢 你不是個英雄
Perhaps I am a useless insect. I shouldn't keep dreaming; you are not a hero.
葉子用墜落證明換季 可我昏昏沉沉沒有辦法醒
Leaves fall to prove the change of season, but I'm groggy and can't wake up.
你願意做個英雄 還是你會要放棄
Are you willing to be a hero or will you give up?
天是亮的卻佈滿烏雲 所有焦距被閃光判了死刑
The sky is bright but covered with dark clouds, all focus sentenced to death by the flash.
你想做什麼英雄 我看你不過是傭兵
What kind of hero do you want to be? I see that you are nothing more than a mercenary.
我只想哭 只想哭 只想哭
I just want to cry, I just want to cry, I just want to cry.
我只想哭 只想哭 只想哭
I just want to cry, I just want to cry, I just want to cry.
今天一起床 我就頭痛 不管吃了幾瓶藥都沒有用
I had a headache when I woke up today, no matter how many bottles of medicine I take, it's useless.
心情有一些莫名的焦躁 你離我越遠越好
My mood is inexplicably anxious; the farther you are from me, the better.
外面有橘色的加州陽光 我卻躲在自己孤獨的黑洞
There is orange California sunshine outside, but I hide in my lonely black hole.
我只有一個小小的要求 就是請你leave me alone
I only have one small request: please leave me alone.
今天我心情有一點懶懶的 可是說不出來到底為什麼
My mood is a little lazy today, but I can't tell you why.
好像有一些悲傷的徵兆 可是病因不知道
It's like there are signs of sadness, but I don't know the cause.
我只想哭 只想哭 只想哭
I just want to cry, I just want to cry, I just want to cry.
我只想哭 只想哭 只想哭
I just want to cry, I just want to cry, I just want to cry.
我只想哭 只想哭 只想...
I just want to cry, I just want to cry, I just want to...

Writer(s): David Tao Zhe, Wa Wa

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