陶晶瑩 - 愛情電影片 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陶晶瑩 - 愛情電影片

Movie Clip of Love
Prepare the Romantics...
準備開始囉 Ceci est l'histoire d'une fihe qui s'appelle
This is a story of a girl named
Am'elie qui.malheureusement.aune triste fin
Amélia who, unfortunately, has a sad ending
Dans le reflet du miroir elle cherchait sa mome
In the reflection of the mirror, she searched for her self
Le miroir s'est brise.elle ne l'a jamais trouv
The mirror shattered. She never found it
不知道什麼時候開始忘了你的臉 當身邊朋友提起你名字我才發現
I don't know when I started to forget your face. When my friends mentioned your name, I realized
是不是對你已經不再有任何眷戀 是不是愛情的美麗只是一種錯覺
Do I no longer have any feelings for you? Is the beauty of love just an illusion?
我猜我想我問可是我還是不了解 曾經你那麼溫柔體貼難道是幻覺
I guess I want to ask, but I still don't understand. You were so gentle and caring, was it all just a hallucination?
我將放在抽屜的照片重新翻一遍 突然間好像看見一部愛情電影片
I took out the photos in the drawer and looked at them again. Suddenly, it was like I was watching a movie clip of love
你改了電影的情節 我扮演悲傷的Emily
You changed the plot of the movie. I played the sad Amélie
怎麼會是這種畫面 你消失不見
Love, how can it be this kind of picture? You disappeared
半夜的電視畫面愛情電影在上演 怎麼會不知不覺淚水佔據了雙眼
On the late-night TV, a love movie is playing. How could tears fill my eyes without me realizing it?
是不是電影的配樂配的太過傷悲 還是我又走進了愛情電影的畫面
Is the movie's soundtrack too sad? Or have I stepped into the scene of a love movie again?
你改了電影的情節 我扮演悲傷的Emily
You changed the plot of the movie. I played the sad Amélie
怎麼會是這種畫面 你消失不見
Love, how can it be this kind of picture? You disappeared
Je ne sais pas quand j'ai oublie'ton visage
I don't know when I forgot your face
Je n'y ai pense' sculement que quand mes amis m'ont rappele' ton nom
I only thought about it when my friends reminded me of your name
Est-ce que cela veut dire que je ne suis plus amoureuse de toi?
Does that mean I'm not in love with you anymore?
Est-ce que cela veut dire que l'amour n'est qu'une illusion?
Does that mean love is just an illusion?
Je crois deviner je pense je pense je me pose la question
I think I guess, I think I think, I wonder
Mais je ne comprends toujours pas
But I still don't understand
Ta tendresse ta compre'hension ne sont-elles qu'illusoires?
Was your tenderness, your understanding, all just an illusion?
Je sors du tiroir les photos d'autrefois
I take out the old photos from the drawer
Et j'ai l'impression alors de voir un film d'amour...
And then I feel like I'm watching a love movie...
在電話上面聽到你留言的那瞬間 我好像又看見那愛情電影預告片
The moment I heard your message on the phone, it was like I saw the trailer of that love movie again
你騎著白馬拿著玫瑰送到我窗前 迷人的笑靨怎麼又迷惑了我雙眼
You rode a white horse, holding roses, and delivered them to my window. Your charming smile, how could it captivate me again?
如果說愛上了你真的是無藥可解 就讓愛情電影片默默在心裡上演
If falling in love with you is really incurable, then let the movie clip of love play silently in my heart
是不是這次你會演出完美的畫面 在我的心裏寫下美麗浪漫的情節
Will you play a perfect scene this time? Write a beautiful and romantic plot in my heart?
Ceci est la fin de la chanson mais l'histoire d'Am'elie continue
This is the end of the song, but Amélie's story continues
(歌雖然唱完了 Emily的故事卻還是要繼續)
(Although the song is over, Emily's story still continues)

Writer(s): 廖士賢

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