雷安娜 - 我是瀟洒 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 雷安娜 - 我是瀟洒

I'm Free
让脚步都有着清新气息 如像阳光一般轻松活泼
Let my footsteps have a fresh breath Like sunlight, light and lively
我走上今天我要走长路 羡煞途上每朵花
I'm walking on the long road I have to go today, the envy of every flower on the way
未惯做檯角音乐上一枝插花 只添上空间中一分淡雅
Not used to being a flower arrangement on the corner of the music stage, just adding a bit of elegance to the space
也不惯一生里困身华厦 伴那虚幻繁华
I'm not used to being trapped in a mansion all my life, accompanied by that illusory prosperity
全不挂 散于天空一切谎话
I don't care about, I scatter into the sky all the lies
任那身边片段爱情似真 真爱换来
Let the episodic love that passes me by seem true, true love is exchanged for fake
我仍然能决定随风去 潇洒
I can still decide to go with the wind, I'm free
未爱为失意事伤心痛哭 也不爱因伤心远方渡假
I don't love being heartbroken over lost love, I don't love going on vacation because I'm heartbroken
我只爱轻松去再走长路 路有一抹红霞
I just love to walk the long road easily, there is a touch of rosy clouds
让脚步都有着清新气息 如像阳光一般轻松活泼
Let my footsteps have a fresh breath Like sunlight, light and lively
我走上今天我要走长路 羡煞途上每朵花
I'm walking on the long road I have to go today, the envy of every flower on the way
未惯做檯角音乐上一枝插花 只添上空间中一分淡雅
Not used to being a flower arrangement on the corner of the music stage, just adding a bit of elegance to the space
也不惯一生里困身华厦 伴那虚幻繁华
I'm not used to being trapped in a mansion all my life, accompanied by that illusory prosperity
全不挂 散于天空一切谎话
I don't care about, I scatter into the sky all the lies
任那身边片段爱情似真 真爱换来
Let the episodic love that passes me by seem true, true love is exchanged for fake
我仍然能决定随风去 潇洒
I can still decide to go with the wind, I'm free
未爱为失意事伤心痛哭 也不爱因伤心远方渡假
I don't love being heartbroken over lost love, I don't love going on vacation because I'm heartbroken
我只爱轻松去再走长路 路有一抹红霞
I just love to walk the long road easily, there is a touch of rosy clouds

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