青山テルマ × SOL from BIGBANG - 大っきらい でもありがと -Music Clips- - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 青山テルマ × SOL from BIGBANG - 大っきらい でもありがと -Music Clips-

大っきらい でもありがと -Music Clips-
I Hate You But Thank You -Music Clips-
もしまたあなたに会えるのなら ひとつだけ 聞かせて欲しいの
If I meet you again, I have just one thing I’d like to ask you.
いっしょに過ごした時間は どうでもいいような終わりだったから
The time we spent together, did it really end up meaning nothing to you?
I'm so not over you
I'm so not over you.
ほんとはね どこかでばったりあなたに会ったら
The truth is, if I were to bump into you somewhere…
I think I would hit you.
でもほんとはねたぶんね あなたの顔を見たら 泣いてしまうんだろうな
But truly, if I saw your face, maybe I’d end up crying.
I’m not able to speak.
愛してるって 何度も言ったのは ほんとだったの 一度でも?
I said I loved you so many times, but was it true even once?
大っきらいだって もし今言えたとしたら
If I could say that I hate you so much right now,
胸の痛みは 消えるかな? 忘れられるのかな?
Would the pain in my chest disappear? Would I be able to forget you?
「今までありがと」 それで終わりに出来るのは 置いてく方だけ
“Thank you for everything until now.” Only the one leaving can end things like that.
プライドとかじゃなく 置いてかれる方はそんなすぐに 絶対思えない
It’s not about pride, it’s that the one who’s being left behind can’t possibly think like that so quickly.
I'm so not over you
I'm so not over you.
今でもね どこかでばったりあなたに会ったら
Even now, if I were to bump into you somewhere…
I think I would want to hit you.
でもほんとはねきっとね あなたの顔を見たら 許してしまうかもな
But truly, if I saw your face, maybe I’d end up forgiving you.
I can’t say anything.
そばにいるって 何度も言ったのは ほんとだったの 一度でも?
I said I’d always be by your side so many times, but was it true even once?
この思いは 胸の痛みは いつまで
How long will this feeling, this pain in my chest,
苦しませるの? 泣かせるの?
Torment me? Make me cry?
愛してるって 何度も言ったのは ほんとだったの 一度でも?
I said I loved you so many times, but was it true even once?
大っきらいだって 大きな声で言えても
Even if I can shout out loud that I hate you,
胸の痛みは ただきっと 増えるだけなんだろう
The pain in my chest will undoubtedly only increase.
この思いにも 言える日は来るかな?
Will there ever come a day when I can say this feeling?
「大っきらい... でも ありがと...」
“I hate you… but thank you…”

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