韋禮安 - 一口一口 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 韋禮安 - 一口一口

Bite by Bite
一口一口 吃掉寂寞
I consume loneliness bite by bite
一口一口 吃掉煩惱和憂愁
I consume worries and sadness bite by bite
吃飯不張口 If I could
If I could, I'd eat without opening my mouth
一口一口 吃掉難過
I consume sadness bite by bite
I'll transform all my longing into intestinal motility, bite by bite
吃到肚子痛 也不
Even if I get a stomachache, it's not
一個人上班 一個人下班
I go to work alone and come home from work alone
一個人晚餐 一個人省得麻煩
I eat dinner alone to avoid the hassle
白米飯一碗 辣椒醬一罐
A bowl of white rice, a can of chili sauce
大湯匙一拌 舌頭代替我吶喊
I stir it with a big spoon and let my tongue do the shouting
日子就這樣過 被焦慮填滿 早學會習慣
That's how my days pass, filled with anxiety, I've learned to get used to it
我被時間揮霍 就算我不甘 也只能承擔這平凡
Time wastes me, even if I'm unwilling, I can only bear this mediocrity
一口一口 吃掉寂寞
I consume loneliness bite by bite
一口一口 吃掉煩惱和憂愁
I consume worries and sadness bite by bite
吃飯不張口 If I could
If I could, I'd eat without opening my mouth
一口一口 吃掉難過
I consume sadness bite by bite
I'll transform all my longing into intestinal motility, bite by bite
吃到肚子痛 也不夠
Even if I get a stomachache, it's not enough
快樂難受 嘴裡送 心裡還是空
Happiness and suffering, I put in my mouth, but my heart is still empty
At least I eat to fill something
滑手機配飯 別人的片段
I scroll through my phone while I eat, watching other people's lives
劇情和彩蛋 我最中意的菜單
Their stories and surprises are my favorite menu
嬉笑怒罵哭喊 食指大動變換 大腦不用轉
Laughter, anger, cries, and shouts, I devour them all without thinking
I love fast entertainment
日子就這樣過 被焦慮填滿 早學會習慣
That's how my days pass, filled with anxiety, I've learned to get used to it
我被時間揮霍 就算我不甘 也只能承擔這平凡
Time wastes me, even if I'm unwilling, I can only bear this mediocrity
一口一口 吃掉寂寞
I consume loneliness bite by bite
一口一口 吃掉煩惱和憂愁
I consume worries and sadness bite by bite
吃飯不張口 If I could
If I could, I'd eat without opening my mouth
一口一口 吃掉難過 一口把想念都化成腸胃蠕動
I consume sadness bite by bite, I'll transform all my longing into intestinal motility, bite by bite
吃到肚子痛 也不夠
Even if I get a stomachache, it's not enough
快樂難受 嘴裡送 心裡還是空
Happiness and suffering, I put in my mouth, but my heart is still empty
At least I eat to fill something
At least I eat to fill something
At least I eat to fill something

Writer(s): Weibird

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