韋禮安 - 記得回來 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 韋禮安 - 記得回來

Remember to Come Back
也不是第一次 和彼此say goodbye
It may not be the first time we've said goodbye to each other
尷尬的場面 總有默契避開
We always avoid those awkward moments with an unspoken agreement
為了追逐夢想犧牲 本來就應該 我說
For me, I should be sacrificing things to pursue my dreams
不過是和時間比賽 我比誰都擅長等待
It's nothing more than a race against time. No one is better at waiting than I am
離開 又不是 分開
Leaving isn't the same as breaking up
為什麼 眼淚 還是掉下來
Why are my tears still falling down my face?
記得回來 記得回來
Remember to Come Back
記得回來 記得回來
Remember to Come Back
Don't look back
The future is calling
生命太短暫 (生命太短暫)
Life's too short. (Life's too short.)
不值得你 屈就平凡
You don't deserve to live a plain and ordinary life
倒不擔心你憨 糊裡糊塗就會走散 只是
I'm not too worried about you being foolish and getting lost along the way. It's just
時間的浪不簡單 會不會把你腦海裡的我給沖淡
The relentless waves of time aren't easy on anyone. Will they wash away the memories of me from your mind?
離開 又不是 分開
Leaving isn't the same as breaking up
為什麼 眼淚 還是掉下來
Why are my tears still falling down my face?
記得回來 記得回來
Remember to Come Back
記得回來 記得回來
Remember to Come Back
把護照帶著 把錢包帶著
Bring your passport, bring your wallet
把手機帶著 把鑰匙帶著
Bring your phone, bring your keys
要飛向你的夢 記得登機口
As you fly towards your dreams, remember your boarding gate
時間別錯過 皮箱記得鎖
Don't miss your flight and remember to lock your suitcase
把風景帶著 把味道帶著
Bring the sceneries you see and the experiences you have
Bring the sweat, the tears, and all of the memories with you
If you run out of packing space.
我的思念可以讓你放在口袋 放在口袋
You can keep my love and longing in your pocket, in your pocket
記得回來 記得回來
Remember to Come Back
Don't look back
The future is calling
生命太短暫 不值得你 屈就平凡
Life's too short. You don't deserve to live a plain and ordinary life
就去看看 去挑戰 自己設下的關
Just go out there and challenge the obstacles you've set for yourself. Yeah
Whenever you feel tired, exhausted, hurt, sick, or annoyed,
I'll always be here, waiting for you to come back
等你回來 等你回來
Waiting for you to come back, waiting for you to come back

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