I don't know what is called tomorrow or what is called the future
The future happens tomorrow, but tomorrow may not come
我唯有今日既路今日行盡量行好 點樣叫做好?
I can only walk the way of today, try my best to walk well. How is it called good?
唔係剩係靠個腦 係靠個心
It is not only by the brain, but by the heart
你聽到 你聽到
You hear it, you hear it
You hear it, right?
1, 2, 3,
有路 有路 我同你有路
There is a way, a way, you and I have a way
有路 有路 我同你有路
There is a way, a way, you and I have a way
路係行出嚟嘅 唔好剩係企係度
The way is to walk out, don't just stand there
路係行出嚟嘅 我係同你有路
The way is to walk out, I have a way with you
同你有路 和你上路 茫茫人海
With you on the road, in the vast sea of people
同你有路 和你上路 紅塵滾滾
With you on the road, in the rolling red dust
踏遍這路 踏遍這地方
Tread this road, tread this place
踏遍這路 踏遍這地方
Tread this road, tread this place
心臟在高呼 血液在喊叫 春風吹又生
My heart is calling out, my blood is shouting, spring breeze is blowing and life is reborn
天上的星星 海浪的光輝 大地任我行
The stars in the sky, the light of the waves, the earth is for me to walk on
有冇試過一個人行起 彌敦道 洛克道 中間道
Have you ever tried to walk by yourself on Nathan Road, Lockhart Road, Middle Road?
忽然之間 光天化日
Suddenly, in broad daylight
覺得迷失 唔知為乜 唔值得
Feeling lost, I don't know why, it's not worth it
望住啲高樓大廈 又望唔到個天
Looking at the tall buildings, I can't see the sky
Especially upset
Is it because
A relationship
A career
A regret
All helplessness
令你停落嚟唔再行 停落嚟
Makes you stop and never walk, stop
有路 有路 我同你有路
There is a way, a way, you and I have a way
有路 有路 我同你有路
There is a way, a way, you and I have a way
路係行出嚟嘅 唔好剩係企係度
The way is to walk out, don't just stand there
路係行出嚟嘅 我係同你有路
The way is to walk out, I have a way with you
同你有路 和你上路 茫茫人海
With you on the road, in the vast sea of people
同你有路 和你上路 紅塵滾滾
With you on the road, in the rolling red dust
踏遍這路 踏遍這地方
Tread this road, tread this place
踏遍這路 踏遍這地方
Tread this road, tread this place
心臟在高呼 血液在喊叫 春風吹又生
My heart is calling out, my blood is shouting, spring breeze is blowing and life is reborn
天上的星星 海浪的光輝 大地任我行
The stars in the sky, the light of the waves, the earth is for me to walk on
我知故我在 我知故我在 我知故我在 我知故我在
I know, therefore I am, I know, therefore I am, I know, therefore I am, I know, therefore I am
我知故我在 我瞓故我在 我劈故我在 超級意外
I know, therefore I am, I sleep, therefore I am, I chop, therefore I am, super unexpected
我灼故我在 我笑故我在 我我故我在 無敵要害...!!!
I burn, therefore I am, I laugh, therefore I am, I me, therefore I am, invincible...!!!
我知故我在 我知故我在 我知故我在 我知故我在
I know, therefore I am, I know, therefore I am, I know, therefore I am, I know, therefore I am
我知故你在 我知故你在 我知故我在 我知故我在
I know, therefore you are, I know, therefore you are, I know, therefore I am, I know, therefore I am
我一故我在 我二故我在 我三故我在 我四故我在
I one, therefore I am, I two, therefore I am, I three, therefore I am, I four, therefore I am
五故我在 六故我在 七故我在 八故我在 九故我在 十故我為乜東東我在
Five, therefore I am, six, therefore I am, seven, therefore I am, eight, therefore I am, nine, therefore I am, ten, therefore I am, what the heck, therefore I am
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