黃宥傑 - 今年的櫻花忘了開 (東森戲劇台《月桂樹西裝店的紳士們》片尾曲) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 黃宥傑 - 今年的櫻花忘了開 (東森戲劇台《月桂樹西裝店的紳士們》片尾曲)

今年的櫻花忘了開 (東森戲劇台《月桂樹西裝店的紳士們》片尾曲)
This Year's Cherry Blossoms Forgot to Bloom (Tailor's Mews Theme Song)
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, in what month do you bloom?
六月不開 十月不開 三月才開
Not in June, not in October, only in March.
我想念的他 在不在 櫻花雪中等著我回來
I wonder if the one I miss is waiting for me in the cherry blossom snow.
閉上眼 我回到那一年 清水寺旁熱鬧的祭典
I close my eyes and return to that year, the lively festival by Kiyomizu-dera.
什錦煎 鯛魚燒 每個攤位都新鮮
Okonomiyaki, taiyaki, every stall was so fresh.
It's a shame I missed the last snow of late spring.
你拉著我說: 去探險! 穿越過蜿蜒小徑和青苔石階
You pulled me along, saying, "Let's explore!" We passed winding paths and mossy stone steps.
老神社旁邊 一樹櫻花在眼前
Next to the old shrine, a cherry tree stood before us.
風一吹 飄粉紅色的雪
The wind blew, sending pink snow fluttering down.
你說這場雪 有個名字叫"忘年之戀"
You said this snow has a name, "Love that transcends the years."
Only lovers holding hands can see it.
拾起花瓣兩片 夾在書裡當紀念
I picked up two petals and pressed them in a book as a keepsake,
紀念我們 曾經擁有 忘年之約
A memory of the forgotten promise we once shared.
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, in what month do you bloom?
六月不開 十月不開 三月才開
Not in June, not in October, only in March.
我想念的他 在不在 櫻花雪中等著我回來
I wonder if the one I miss is waiting for me in the cherry blossom snow.
經過多少年 周遭事物不停地變遷
How many years have passed? Everything around me keeps changing.
人懂事一點 快樂就少一點
As people grow wiser, their happiness diminishes.
翻看記事本裡 褪色櫻花瓣書籤
I turn the pages of my notebook and see the faded cherry blossom petals bookmarked within.
讓我想念 指著遠方 他的指尖
They remind me of his fingertips, pointing towards the distant horizon.
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, in what month do you bloom?
六月不開 十月不開 三月才開
Not in June, not in October, only in March.
我想念的他 在不在 櫻花雪中等著我回來
I wonder if the one I miss is waiting for me in the cherry blossom snow.
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, when will you bloom?
等過秋天 盼過冬天 我依約前來
I've waited through autumn and winter; I've come as promised.
我等的他呀 忘了來 今年的櫻花忘了開
But the one I'm waiting for has forgotten to come. This year's cherry blossoms have forgotten to bloom.

Writer(s): Wen Liang Fang (aka Wu Er Qi)

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