Namewee feat. 王光芳 - 老母 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Namewee feat. 王光芳 - 老母

小時候我 是妳眼中的猴死囜仔
When I was little, I was your naughty boy
不喜歡讀書 每天只會跟老師頂嘴吵架
I didn't like to study and always argued with teachers
風雨不改地 每天拖著 我走路去上課
Rain or shine, you dragged me to school every day
雖然我總是想著 害妳丟臉到左鄰右舍
Even though I always embarrassed you in front of our neighbors
妳抓緊藤條 用力揮舞 多少夜的無助
You grabbed the rattan cane and swung it hard. Countless sleepless nights
告訴我三遷的孟母 到底為什麼痛苦
You told me about Mencius' mother who moved three times. I wondered why she suffered so much.
妳打我罵我 太反骨 在反撲
You hit me and scolded me. I rebelled and fought back
打完後 自己反而不由自主地在那邊發聲大哭
After you finished, you couldn't help but cry out loud
沒日沒夜的忙忙碌碌 為整個家在付出
You worked day and night for our family
夜深人靜了妳陪我 抱著佛腳連夜在K書
Late at night, you stayed up with me, cramming for exams
上了中學 我玩音樂 啊誰又會在乎
In high school, I started playing music. Who cared?
而每次在學校演出 妳總會在台下鼓掌歡呼
But every time I performed at school, you were always there, applauding and cheering me on
高中畢業 我下定決心到台灣深造
After graduating high school, I decided to study in Taiwan
離別的那個破曉 妳眼淚不停地往下掉
On that day of departure, your tears flowed down your cheeks
我知道 這一別將很久才能品嘗到
I knew that this goodbye would be a long one before I could taste
那最熟悉的嘮叨 和妳拿手的娘惹炒
Your familiar nagging and your delicious Nyonya cooking
你置外頭認真打拼 離開家鄉甘會孤單
You're working hard outside, will you be lonely away from home?
心內艱苦跟辛酸 阿母攏知影
The hardships and bitterness in your heart, Mother knows them all
為著理想認真打拼 明知前方的路難行
Work hard for your dreams, even though the road ahead is tough
外頭風大若畏寒 就返來啊...
If the wind outside is too cold, come back home...
畢業回到老家 還沒來得及陪老媽
After graduating, I returned home but couldn't spend much time with Mom
我搬到了KL追尋夢想 好像比較偉大
I moved to KL to pursue my dreams, which seemed more important
工作一天比一天繁重 日子一天比一天難過
My work became more and more demanding, and life became harder and harder
The time between my visits home grew longer and longer
她透過Facebook 來關心我最近的行蹤
She followed me on Facebook to keep up with my life
She learned about my legal troubles through friends
在家裡默默哀愁 著急著求神拜佛
She grieved in silence, praying to the gods and Buddha
卻不敢打來問我 擔心我忙碌又沒空
But she didn't dare call me because she didn't want to bother me
看我偶爾僥倖成功 她在電腦前猛拍手
When she saw me succeed, she applauded in front of her computer
看我經常碰釘撞頭 她沉默著陪我失落
When she saw me fail, she silently mourned with me
手機響鈴 她寫來了一長串簡訊
Her phone would ring with a long text message
那是我最大的鼓勵 但辛酸都留在她那裡
It was my greatest encouragement, but the pain was all hers
偶爾回到家裡 她忙著下廚又燙衣
When I occasionally returned home, she cooked and ironed for me
準備了一桌的拿手好菜 搞得像大年除夕
She prepared a table full of her best dishes, as if it were Chinese New Year
我含淚夾起 一口口放進了嘴裡
I picked up each bite with tears in my eyes
那是我最渴望的 最窩心的 阿母的愛心料理
It was what I craved the most, the most heartwarming: Mother's love
你置外頭認真打拼 離開家鄉甘會孤單
You're working hard outside, will you be lonely away from home?
心內的艱苦跟辛酸 阿母攏知影
The hardships and bitterness in your heart, Mother knows them all
為著理想認真打拼 明知前方的路難行
Work hard for your dreams, even though the road ahead is tough
外頭風大若畏寒 就返來啊
If the wind outside is too cold, come back home
我最親愛的阿母啊 攏免驚 不要害怕
My dearest Mother, don't worry, don't be afraid
所有恁心內的心聲 已經攏知影
I know all your worries
乖乖聽醫生的話 一定欲健康快樂
Listen to the doctor's advice, be healthy and happy
Wait for me to succeed and return home
你置外頭認真打拼 離開家鄉甘會孤單
You're working hard outside, will you be lonely away from home?
心內艱苦跟辛酸 阿母攏知影
The hardships and bitterness in your heart, Mother knows them all
為著理想認真打拼 明知前方的路難行
Work hard for your dreams, even though the road ahead is tough
外頭風大若畏寒 就返來啊
If the wind outside is too cold, come back home

Writer(s): 黃明志

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