黃明志 - 不罵粗話 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 黃明志 - 不罵粗話

Not Cursing
Are you ready?
Namewee is going to sing again.
This song is dedicated to all the moral guardians.
因為這首歌 不罵粗話
Because this song doesn't have any swearing.
我代表基層文化 到處亂罵
I represent grassroots culture, cursing everywhere.
Because too many hypocrites are hiding and struggling in society.
裝扮自己 把自己弄得道貌岸然
They disguise themselves, making themselves appear righteous.
I don't believe they don't hide in their rooms and play with themselves.
他們粉飾太平 喜歡把醜陋美化
They whitewash things, liking to beautify ugliness.
喜歡講成語 讓自己的罪惡合理化
They like to use idioms to rationalize their sins.
上色情網站的時候 偽君子說
When on pornographic websites, hypocrites say,
"This is truly a paradise on earth."
真的是一波未平一波又起啊 好濕啊
"It's truly wave after wave, so wet."
我不會裝傻 我不會講騙話
I won't play dumb, I won't lie.
我要把基層的心聲 傳達到每一個家
I want to spread the voice of the grassroots to every home.
你打開電腦 又看到黃明志罵粗話
You open your computer and see Namewee swearing again.
粗話的背後 你看到只是粗俗還是偉大
Behind the swearing, do you see vulgarity or greatness?
寫實派的精神 我要發揚光大
I want to carry forward the spirit of realism.
Because your thoughts have been corrupted by false morality.
我一直寫 你們一直罵我亂講話
I keep writing, you keep scolding me for talking nonsense.
So in this song, you won't hear me swear.
我不罵粗話 我不要latak
I won't swear, I won't say "latak".
我改說 子宮 陰莖 睪丸 陰囊
I'll say "uterus, penis, testicles, scrotum" instead.
Ah, because I want to be a star idol.
所以我改變形象 所以我沒有辦法
So I'm changing my image, so I can't.
我不罵粗話 我不要latak
I won't swear, I won't say "latak".
我改說 子宮 陰莖 睪丸 陰囊
I'll say "uterus, penis, testicles, scrotum" instead.
Ah, because I want to be a star idol.
所以我改變形象 所以我沒有辦法
So I'm changing my image, so I can't.
遇到太多思想家 想發表意見
I've met too many thinkers who want to express their opinions.
來我的blog留言 卻匿名匿到睪丸不見
They leave comments on my blog but remain anonymous to the point their testicles disappear.
還有一個沒有睪丸的 學人發表政見
There's also a testicle-less person who wants to run for office.
I want to ask him when he will apologize to Ulaanbaatar.
我不做英雄 因為英雄好像不能大便
I won't be a hero because heroes seem like they can't poop.
還要被幾千個老夫子 指指點點
And they have to be pointed at by thousands of old Confucians.
如果做狗雄 可以用性器官發洩
If being a "dog hero" allows me to vent with my sex organs,
我寧願把精蟲射在殺人犯 那張臉
I'd rather ejaculate on the face of a murderer.
這世界真的太多人 無陰囊
There are really too many people in this world without scrotums.
他們喜歡躲在暗地裡 好像出神入化
They like to hide in the dark, as if they have magical powers.
在電腦前批判 講到很有道理醬
They criticize in front of their computers, talking as if they have all the answers.
結果寫的東西 根本沒有幾個人鳥他
But in the end, barely anyone gives a damn about what they write.
自己買色情DVD 還被兒子偷看
You buy pornographic DVDs and get caught by your son.
結果還怪我寫歌粗俗 教壞你的小孩
But you blame me for writing vulgar songs that corrupt your child.
Ok lah 這首歌不會聽到任何粗話
Okay lah, you won't hear any swearing in this song.
包括nenepok kukubird 還有大懶趴
Including "nenepok", "kukubird", and "big dick".
我不罵粗話 我不要latak
I won't swear, I won't say "latak".
我改說 子宮 陰莖 睪丸 陰囊
I'll say "uterus, penis, testicles, scrotum" instead.
Ah, because I want to be a star idol.
所以我改變形象 所以我沒有辦法
So I'm changing my image, so I can't.
我不罵粗話 我不要latak
I won't swear, I won't say "latak".
我改說 子宮 陰莖 睪丸 陰囊
I'll say "uterus, penis, testicles, scrotum" instead.
Ah, because I want to be a star idol.
所以我改變形象 所以我沒有辦法
So I'm changing my image, so I can't.
我用我的辦法 我說我想說的話
I use my own methods, I say what I want to say.
結果他們 聽到的只是黃明志又罵粗話
But all they hear is Namewee swearing again.
我不會迷失方向 我要讓道德淪喪
I won't lose my way, I want to let morality decline.
因為太多人 偽裝在道德底下
Because too many people are disguised under the veil of morality.
我沒有變 我就像你喜歡我說實話
I haven't changed, I'm still the same as you like me, speaking the truth.
But the truth must never step on your tail.
我唱真心話 結果全部人都害怕
I sing the truth, and everyone is scared.
我被警察亂抓 我還被社會撻伐
I get caught by the police, I get condemned by society.
If you hope that I will listen because of your criticism,
我會送你一句話 去跟母狗性交一下
I will give you one sentence: Go have sex with a female dog.
這些陰囊人 滿口仁義道德
These "scrotum people" are full of righteousness and morality.
他們只是因為陽痿 所以要靠文字抒發
They just rely on words to express themselves because they are impotent.
我要用精蟲 填滿他的嘴巴
I want to fill their mouths with sperm.
And then laugh at them with my labia opening and closing.
我開始做偶像那掛 我開始不罵粗話
I'm starting to act like an idol, I'm starting to not swear.
我只用了 科學名詞在跟你講話
I'm just using scientific terms to talk to you.
誰說我沒有本事 拋開粗話 繼續揮灑
Who says I don't have the ability to put aside swearing and continue to express myself?
See, in this song, I didn't even sing about "cock" or "balls".
我不罵粗話 我不要latak
I won't swear, I won't say "latak".
我改說 子宮 陰莖 睪丸 陰囊
I'll say "uterus, penis, testicles, scrotum" instead.
Ah, because I want to be a star idol.
所以我改變形象 所以我沒有辦法
So I'm changing my image, so I can't.
我不罵粗話 我不要latak
I won't swear, I won't say "latak".
我改說 子宮 陰莖 睪丸 陰囊
I'll say "uterus, penis, testicles, scrotum" instead.
Ah, because I want to be a star idol.
所以我改變形象 所以我沒有辦法
So I'm changing my image, so I can't.
Everybody 跟我一起說
Everybody say it with me.
Uterus (uterus)
Uterus (uterus)
Uterus (uterus)
Penis (penis)
Penis (penis)
Everybody 子宮(陰莖)
Everybody Uterus (penis)
Uterus (penis)
Uterus (penis)
Uterus (penis)
Uterus (penis)
Uterus (penis)
Uterus (penis)
Uterus (penis)

Writer(s): 黃明志 Namewee

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