黃明志 - 學廣東話 - 4896世界巡迴演唱會-香港站 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 黃明志 - 學廣東話 - 4896世界巡迴演唱會-香港站

學廣東話 - 4896世界巡迴演唱會-香港站
Learning Cantonese - 4896 World Tour - Hong Kong
我住喺吉隆坡 但係來自南部
I live in Kuala Lumpur but I come from the south
識聽唔識講嘅 嗰度好多
There are many who can understand but not speak
I am one of them
唔好意思 連孟加拉都叻過我
I am so sorry, even the Bangladeshis are better than me
When I was young, I listened to Beyond's songs
Hacken Lee and Andy Lau are not bad either
嗰日遇到佢 真係索
I met her that day, she was really beautiful
佢話佢來自香港 住喺北角
She said she was from Hong Kong and lived in North Point
喺旺角返工 我想請佢食咖哩角
She worked in Mong Kok, I wanted to invite her for a curry corner
We watch a lot of Hong Kong movies and TV series
Stephen Chow, Chow Yun-fat, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Leslie Cheung, Aaron Kwok
呢度唔中意睇配音 愛原汁原味 好似我
I don't like dubbed, I love the original, like me
雖然廣東話講得唔好 但我會學
Although I am not good at speaking Cantonese, I will learn
我費咗很長嘅時間 寫咗這首歌
I spent a long time writing this song
雖然唔係幾標準 但希望妳可以睇到我
Although it is not very standard, I hope you can see me
The results of many days of hard training
為了妳 我學咗廣東話
For you, I learned Cantonese
我不捨不棄 不日不夜 學到半死
I am relentless, day and night, learning until I am half-dead
為了妳 我學到脷都僵化
For you, I have learned until my tongue is stiff
已不知不覺 識讀識睇 妳快樂嗎
I have unwittingly learned to read and understand, are you happy?
Some things are not easy to understand clearly
點解 一二三四五六 做乜"七"
Why do one, two, three, four, five, six, become "seven"?
唔講得"九" 又唔講得
Cannot say "nine", and cannot say
香港係唔係 唔中意"九七"
Does Hong Kong dislike "1997"?
要點"算"先得 蘿柚又叫屎忽
How to "count"?
我唔懶 我好勤 俾我多啲時間
pomelo and grapefruit are also called buttocks
I am not lazy, I am very diligent, give me more time
想錫妳一啖 唔使驚 我條脷冇毛
I want to kiss you, don't worry, my tongue is hairless
我可以搬去香港 日日陪妳老母
I can move to Hong Kong and accompany your mother every day
I will not leave your mother alone at home
可以教教妳老妹講英文say Hi
I can teach your younger sister to say hello in English
妳嘅鞋如果太臭 我攞去洗
If your shoes are too smelly, I will wash them for you
如果洗唔乾淨 我就攞來丟
If I can't clean them, I'll throw them away
丟乜都得 妳唔使煩
You don't need to worry about anything
我對妳冚家都好好 冚家拎去玩
I am very good to your whole family, I will take your whole family out to play
冚家都富貴 齊齊去買地產
Your whole family will be rich and buy real estate together
冚家嘅地產 叫"冚家產"
The real estate of your whole family is called "family property"
為了妳 我學咗廣東話
For you, I learned Cantonese
我不捨不棄 不日不夜 學到半死
I am relentless, day and night, learning until I am half-dead
為了妳 我學到脷都僵化
For you, I have learned until my tongue is stiff
已不知不覺 識讀識睇 妳快樂嗎
I have unwittingly learned to read and understand, are you happy?
我知我走音闖禍 咪笑我發音唔好
I know I am off-key and making trouble, don't laugh at me for my poor pronunciation
我天分就係咁高 俾心機不怕說錯
My talent is only so high, I will do my best and not be afraid to make mistakes
都差不多 最緊要妳會接受我
It's almost there, the most important thing is that you will accept me, oh
為了妳 我學咗廣東話
For you, I learned Cantonese
我不捨不棄 不日不夜 學到半死
I am relentless, day and night, learning until I am half-dead
為了妳 我學到脷都僵化
For you, I have learned until my tongue is stiff
已不知不覺 識讀識睇 妳快樂嗎
I have unwittingly learned to read and understand, are you happy?
我話我聽懂咗 妳問我聽懂右
I said I understood, you asked me if I understand right
我想要食公蕉 妳問我食唔食喇
I want to eat a banana, you asked me if I want to eat it
我企妳邊皮 妳問我邊度有皮
I stand by your side, you asked me where is your side
天黑落水咗 妳問我係麼水啊
It was getting dark and it was raining, you asked me if it was raining
掘柑掘桔掘金桔 掘雞掘骨掘龜骨
Dig oranges, dig tangerines, dig kumquats, dig chickens, dig bones, dig tortoise shells
掘完雞骨掘金桔 掘完龜骨掘雞骨
After digging chicken bones, dig kumquats, after digging tortoise shells, dig chicken bones
掘柑掘桔掘金桔 掘雞掘骨掘龜骨
Dig oranges, dig tangerines, dig kumquats, dig chickens, dig bones, dig tortoise shells
掘完雞骨掘金桔 掘完龜骨掘雞骨
After digging chicken bones, dig kumquats, after digging tortoise shells, dig chicken bones

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