黃鴻升 - 六十億分之一 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 黃鴻升 - 六十億分之一

Sixty Billionth of One
太陽 海洋 撞成地平線
The sun and the ocean collide on the horizon
And change my whole world
第一個吻的時間 地球轉了幾圈
The first time we kissed, the Earth turned a few times
My pride dissolved in the meteor shower
那一天 那夜 我靈魂裏面
That day, that night, in the depths of my soul
A perfect picture was superimposed
Your pupils, like a full moon, stopped before my eyes
From that moment on, no one has been clearer than you
陪你 到雨季
I'll be with you through the rainy season
陪著你 到天晴
I'll be with you until the sky clears
陪你 日日夜夜守護一個奇跡
I'll be with you day and night, protecting a miracle
若不是上帝睡著 我不可能那麼幸運
If God hadn't been asleep, I couldn't have been so lucky
能遇見地球上 六十億分之一的你
To meet one in sixty billion on Earth
Legend has it that everyone has a star in the sky
And a star's loneliness
很多年 才邂逅一個人
Many years later, I met someone
在宇宙 連結成彼此的星座
In the universe, connected to each other's constellations
直到 天空慢慢慢慢傾斜
Until the sky gradually tilted
直到我 默默埋葬了無邪
Until I silently buried my innocence
當時你 一片片撿起的落葉
The leaves you picked up one by one at that time
碎成了 無限期遺失的遺憾
Were shattered into infinite, lost regrets
誰還記得 誰第一次牽起手
Who remembers who first held hands
誰記得 誰第一次不肯走
Who remembers who first refused to leave
第一次 永遠就停在那時候
The first time, forever stuck in that moment
以後 再想念 也不能回頭
After, no matter how much I miss you, I can't go back
When the wind comes, I'll fly
When the train arrives, I'll leave with it
When youth fades, I'll forget to love
As time slowly evaporates
I get used to everything as a matter of course
習慣妳成為我習慣 的習慣
I'm used to you becoming my routine
When I noticed your sadness (your tears)
It was already too late (it was already too long)
Forever is still not far enough
What made everything that wouldn't change change?
終於落單的肩膀 終於悲哀的夕陽
Finally, a lonely shoulder, finally a sad sunset
想起你 天空就慢慢傾斜
Thinking of you, the sky slowly tilts
擁有你 快樂才如此的強烈
Having you, happiness is so intense
為何你 一片片撿起的落葉
Why did you pick up the leaves one by one?
碎成了 無限期遺失的遺憾
Were they shattered into infinite, lost regrets?
誰還記得 誰第一次牽起手
Who remembers who first held hands?
誰記得 誰第一次不肯走
Who remembers who first refused to leave?
第一次 永遠就停在那時候
The first time, forever stuck in that moment
以後我 再想念 也不能回頭
After, no matter how much I miss you, I can't go back
最後一次和你一起 看同一片繁星
One last time, watching the same stars with you
The closest distance, yet the furthest apart
上天已經給我 七十億分之一的幸福
Heaven has given me one in seventy billion of happiness
And I live for the blind obsession of a total eclipse
如果我們的以後 各自被拆散
If our future is torn apart
To a corner of the world
就算是 日和夜 夏和冬 都交錯
Even if the day and night, summer and winter are intertwined
Across the international date line, I can still feel your smile
不認輸 不讓步
No defeat, no compromise
But can't win back the lost beginning
很久很久以後 混過人海茫茫
Long, long after, after wandering through the sea of people
只有你 只有你 最了解我的倔強
Only you, only you, understand my stubbornness the most
只有你 飛翔過我的天堂
Only you, have flown through my heaven
直到 天空慢慢慢慢傾斜
Until the sky gradually tilted
直到我 默默埋葬了無邪
Until I silently buried my innocence
當時你 一片片撿起的落葉
The leaves you picked up one by one at that time
碎成了 無限期遺失的遺憾
Were shattered into infinite, lost regrets
誰還記得 誰第一次牽起手
Who remembers who first held hands
誰記得 誰第一次不肯走
Who remembers who first refused to leave
第一次 永遠就停在那時候
The first time, forever stuck in that moment
以後我 再想念 也不能回頭
After, no matter how much I miss you, I can't go back
啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la
啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la la
啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la la
啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la
啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la la
啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la la
太陽 海洋 撞成地平線
The sun and the ocean collide on the horizon
And change my whole world
第一個吻的時間 地球轉了幾圈
The first time we kissed, the Earth turned a few times
My pride dissolved in the meteor shower
那一天 那夜 我靈魂裏面
That day, that night, in the depths of my soul
A perfect picture was superimposed
Your pupils, like a full moon, stopped before my eyes
From that moment on, no one has been clearer than you

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