齊豫 - 佛子行三十七誦(二) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 齊豫 - 佛子行三十七誦(二)

Verses of the Bodhisattva's Conduct (Part Two)
This life we are fortunate to have a full boat, ourself and others must cross the ocean of birth and death, so we should not slacken in day and night, hearing, thinking, and cultivating is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Greedy love for relatives like water ripples, anger and hatred towards enemies like fire burning, ignorance in grasping and rejecting like darkness, leaving home is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Leaving the environment of evil perplexities gradually decreases, abandoning distractions and increasing goodness, from the purity of our own mind arises right view, relying on the quiet place is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Long companionship with relatives and friends must separate, diligently gathered wealth must be abandoned, the guest will eventually leave the guest house, letting go of worldly attachment is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Accompanying evil friends, the three poisons flourish, hearing, thinking, and cultivating virtue gradually diminishes, compassion, joy, giving, and abandoning are lost, staying away from evil friends is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Relying on good knowledge, sins gradually disappear, merits increase like the waxing moon, cherishing wise and holy teachers, more than oneself is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
We ourselves are still trapped in the prison of轮回, who can worldly gods protect, we should rely on the supreme and infallible one,皈依the Three Jewels is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
The extremely difficult and unbearable sufferings of the evil realms, the World Honored One said they are the result of evil karma, even if we must give up our lives as the price, we should not create sins and is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
The happiness of the three realms is like the dew on the grass, all are momentary and perishable, the unchanging supreme path to liberation, arouse the aspiration to seek is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
The kindness and compassion for beginningless kalpas, if all mothers suffer, how can I be happy, to deliver sentient beings without limit, generate the bodhi mind is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
All suffering originates from貪己樂, all Buddhas arise from利他心, so in our own happiness and others' suffering, truly cultivate exchanging is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Even if others steal because of greed, or cause others to seize my wealth, I still offer my body, wealth, and three times善, to them is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Although I have no sins, yet there are those who want to cut off my head, but with compassion for all sins, I will personally take on myself is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Even if people slander me in a hundred ways, and rumors spread throughout the three thousand, I still have deep compassion, and praise their virtue is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
If someone exposes my privacy and speaks evil in a public gathering, I still regard him as a good teacher, and pay homage with respect is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Protecting and raising him as my own son, but he sees me as an enemy, still like a慈母pitying a sick child, and having even more compassion is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
If he is equal to or inferior to me, and has arrogance and insults me, I also respect him like a guru, and always hold him high is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Even if I am poor and lowly, and suffer from serious illness and demonic obstacles, I take on the sins and suffering of all beings, and have no cowardly heart is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Although I am rich and famous and respected by all, my wealth and treasures are equal to the Heavenly King of Extensive Hearing, I still see that worldly glory is meaningless, and have no arrogance is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
If we have not eliminated the internal enemy of anger, external enemies will increase, so we should quickly use the army of compassion, to subdue our own minds is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
The pleasures of the three realms are like salt water, the more you crave, the more insatiable, all things that can give rise to attachment, immediately abandon is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
All dharmas are only manifested by our own minds, their nature is originally beyond the boundaries of speculation, do not attach to the appearance of subject and object, the mind does not create thoughts is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
When we encounter joyful and happy realms, we should see them like rainbows in the summer, the external appearance is beautiful but there is no substance, abandon grasping and attachment is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
All suffering is like the death of a child in a dream, falsely holding onto reality and being extremely worried, so when facing adverse and unfavourable circumstances, we should see through their emptiness is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
In order to seek the body of菩提, we must give up our bodies, and our external possessions are not even worth mentioning, giving does not seek different ripening fruits, and does not seek回报is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Without戒, self-benefit will not be accomplished, how can we seek to benefit others? Therefore, do not seek worldly pleasures, diligently protect the precepts is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
To accumulate福善, all children of the Buddha, should see their enemies like a treasure, abandon the evil mind of anger towards all beings, cultivate tolerance is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Seeing the disciples of the two vehicles who seek self-benefit, diligently cultivate as if saving fire on their heads, benefiting sentient beings is the source of virtue, joyfully and diligently advance is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Very deep dhyana gives rise to wisdom and insight, destroying all karma, obstacles, and煩惱demons, knowing this, you should leave the four formless, cultivate meditative concentration is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
If the five powers do not have wisdom as a guide, the right and proper enlightenment of菩提will be difficult to complete, recognizing the emptiness of the three wheels, and wisdom and skill are one is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
If we do not examine our own faults, and wear the outer clothing of a Buddha and act unlawfully, therefore we should constantly practice introspection, and cut off our own faults is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Because of my煩惱, I speak of his faults, and reduce merit and only regress, so towards the faults of Bodhisattvas, we should never discuss is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Because of seeking利敬, and causing disputes, hearing, thinking, and cultivating gradually regress, so in the homes of relatives and patrons, abandon greed and attachment is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
Harsh words and evil speech annoy people's hearts, and also damage the conduct of the children of the Buddha, making people unhappy and causing evil speech, abandon and do not speak is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
The habit of煩惱is difficult to overcome, those who are wise and intelligent hold正念, as soon as the mind of貪瞋癡first arises, immediately destroy it is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
No matter when or what we do, we should observe the nature of our own minds, constantly hold正念and正知, and accomplish benefiting others is the Bodhisattva's conduct.
From these diligent practices, to eliminate the suffering of countless sentient beings, all with the three wheels of清淨wisdom, turn to菩提is the Bodhisattva's conduct.

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